Guide to construction

From RU-CMSS13 Wiki

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Тип конструкции: Как это построить: Необходимо: Итог:
  1. Выберите части стола в меню автолата.
  2. Возьмите детали стола.
  3. Нажмите на части стола, чтобы закончить строительство.
2 металлических листа Metal.png

1 автолат

1 стол Table.png
  1. Следуйте руководству, чтобы построить стол
  2. Следуйте руководству, чтобы сделать стержни
  3. Держите стержни в активной руке.
  4. Нажмите на стол другой рукой
2 металлические листы Metal.png


2 стержня Rods.png

1 бронестол Reinforced table.png
  1. Подберите стержни или создайте их из металлического списка конструкций.
  2. Встаньте там, где вам нужна решетка.
  3. Нажмите на стержни в вашей руке
4 стержня Rods.png 1 решетка Grille.png
Деревянная баррикада
  1. Поднимите деревянные доски активной рукой (рука должна быть пуста).
  2. Нажмите на деревянные доски.
  3. Выберите деревянную баррикаду в списке строительства (не двигайтесь во время этого, иначе вы ее не построите).
5 деревянных досок


1 деревянная баррикадаWoodenBarricade.png
Металлическая Баррикада
  1. Поднимите металлические листы активной рукой (Рука должна быть пуста).
  2. Нажмите на металлические листы.
  3. Выберите металлическую баррикаду в списке строительства (не двигайтесь во время этого, иначе вы не построите ее, также убедитесь, что вы стоите лицом в том направлении, в котором баррикада должна блокировать снаряды).
  4. (Необязательно) Используйте колючую проволоку на баррикаде, чтобы обтянуть ее колючей проволокой, придав ей дополнительную прочность, не позволяя мобам перелезать через нее или перепрыгивать ее, а также наносить урон мобам, атакующим ее в ближнем бою.
4 металлических листа Metal.png 1 металлическая баррикада Metal Barricade.png
Пласталевая баррикада
  1. Возьмите листы пластали активной рукой (рука должна быть пуста).
  2. Нажмите на листы пластали.
  3. Выберите пласталевую баррикаду в списке строительства (не двигайтесь во время этого, иначе вы не построите ее, также убедитесь, что вы стоите лицом в том направлении, в котором баррикада должна блокировать снаряды).
  4. (Необязательно) Используйте колючую проволоку на баррикаде, чтобы обтянуть ее колючей проволокой, придав ей дополнительную прочность, не позволяя мобам перелезать через нее или перепрыгивать ее, а также наносить урон мобам, атакующим ее в ближнем бою.
5 пласталевых листовPlasteel.png 1 пласталевая баррикадаPlasteel barricade.png
  1. Выберите детали стойки в меню токарного станка.
  2. Соберите детали стойки
  3. Нажмите на часть стойки, чтобы закончить строительство.
1 металлический листMetal.png

1 автолат

1 стойка Rack.png
Мешки с песком
  1. Возьмите саперную лопатку активной рукой (Рука должна быть пустой) (если она сложен, кликните по нему один раз, чтобы разложить)
  2. Нажмите на плитку грязи/снега, чтобы выкопать почву. (Обратите внимание, что спрайт саперной лопатки должен измениться и появиться с землей на нем.)
  3. Нажмите на пустые мешки с песком с помощью сапёрной лопатки, чтобы заполнить мешки с песком.
  4. Промойте и повторите 5 раз.
  5. Когда у вас будет стопка мешков с песком, вы сможете построить стену из мешков с песком.
  6. Возьмите полные мешки с песком и повернитесь в том направлении, в котором хотите построить их.
  7. (Необязательно) Используйте колючую проволоку на мешках с песком, чтобы обвязать их колючей проволокой, придав ей дополнительную прочность, не позволяя мобам карабкаться/перепрыгивать через нее и наносить урон мобам, атакующим их в ближнем бою.
1 лопатка Entrenching Tool Unfolded.png

пустые мешки с пескомSandbag Empty.png

1 стена из мешком с пескомSandbag Full.png


Тип конструкции: Как это построить: Необходимо: Итог:
  1. Возьмите стержни в активную руку. (Она должна быть свобода)
  2. Нажмите на плитку космоса держа стержни
стержни Rods.png File:Lattice.png
  1. Следуйте руководству, чтобы построить решётку
  2. Возьмите стержни в активную руку. (Она должна быть свобода)
  3. Нажмите на решётку
стержни Rods.png File:Catwalk.png
  1. Следуйте руководству, чтобы построить решётку.
  2. Возьмите плитку пола в активную руку. (Она должна быть свобода)
  3. Нажмите на решетку.
покрытие tiles File:Floor Tiles.png File:Plating.png
  1. Следуйте руководству, чтобы построить покрытие
  2. Возьмите стержни в активную руку. (Она должна быть свободна)
  3. Нажмите на покрытие
стержни Rods.png File:Reinforced Floor.png
Стальное покрытие
  1. Следуйте руководству, чтобы построить покрытие
  2. Возьмите металлические листы в активную руку. (Она должна быть свободна)
  3. Нажмите на металлические листы.
  4. Выберите напольную плитку в списке строительства.
  5. Возьмите напольную плитку в активную руку. (Она должна быть свободна)
  6. Нажмите на покрытие.
Floor tiles File:Floor Tiles.png File:Floor.png
Деревянное покрытие
  1. Следуйте руководству, чтобы построить покрытие
  2. Возьмите доски в активную руку. (Она должна быть свободна)
  3. Нажмите на доски
  4. Выберите деревянное покрытие в списке строительства.
  5. Возьмите деревянные доски в активную руку. (Она должна быть свободна)
  6. Нажмите на покрытие.

Wood tile File:Wood Tile.png

File:Wood Floor.png
Ковровое покрытие
  1. Следуйте руководству, чтобы создать покрытие
  2. Возьмите ковровое покрытие в активную руку. (Она должна быть свободна)
  3. Нажмите на покрытие
ковровое покрытие File:Carpet Tile.png File:Carpeted Floor.png
Легкое покрытие
  1. Следуйте руководству, чтобы создать покрытие
  2. Нажмите на стекло с катушкой кабеля в активной руке.
  3. Нажмите на новую плитку, которую вы создаете с металлом в активной руке.
  4. Возьмите только что сделанный легкий пол и держите его в активной руке.
  5. Нажмите на покрытие

моток кабеляCableCoils.png

сталь Metal.png



Тип конструкции: Как это построить: Необходимо: Итог:
  1. Возьмите металл активной рукой (Рука должна быть пуста)
  2. Нажмите на металлические листы
  3. Выберите балку в списке строительства (не двигайтесь во время этого, иначе вы не сможете ее построить).
8 металлических листов Metal.png 1 Girder File:Girder.png
  1. Следуйте инструкциям, чтобы сделать балку
  2. Нажмите на балку с металлическими листами. (потребуется 1 лист)
  3. Приварите балку, чтобы закрепить первую добавленную вами металлическую пластину.
  4. Снова нажмите на балку с металлическими листами. (потребуется 1 лист)
  5. Приварите балку, чтобы закрепить вторую добавленную вами металлическую пластину.
  6. Снова нажмите на балку с металлическими листами. (потребуется 1 лист)
  7. Приварите балку, чтобы закрепить третью металлическую пластину, которую вы добавили, и завершите превращение балки в стену.
11 металлических листов (8 для балки, 3 для стены) 1 Wall File:Wall.png

Wall Mountings

Construction Type: How To Build It: Необходимо: Finished Product:
  1. Pick up Metal sheets with your active hand (Hand must be empty)
  2. Click on Metal sheets.
  3. Select APC frame under the construction list.
  4. Use the frame on the wall you want the APC on (may only be placed in areas which have been defined as a Station Area using the Chief Engineer's Station Blueprints).
  5. Click on the APC with cable coil.
  6. Click on the APC with a Power Control Module.
  7. Screwdriver the APC.
  8. Click on the APC with a powercell.
  9. Click the APC with a Crowbar.
  • It starts ID locked, with the cover engaged and the main switch turned off.
  • How to fix APC
1 ScrewdriverScrewdriver.png

2 Metal sheets Metal.png

1 Roll of Cable coil CableCoils.png

1 Power control module Circuitboard.png

1 Crowbar Crowbar.png

1 Power Cell

1 APC APC.png
Air Alarm
  1. Pick up Metal sheets with your active hand (Hand must be empty)
  2. Click on Metal sheets.
  3. Select Air alarm frame under the construction list.
  4. Pick up the Air alarm frame and click on the desired wall with it in your active hand.
  5. Pick up the Air alarm electronics and click on the now wall mounted Air alarm frame.
  6. Click on the Air alarm with wire in your active hand.
  7. Use a screwdriver on the Air alarm to finish it.
1 Roll of Cable coil CableCoils.png

2 Metal sheets Metal.png

1 ScrewdriverScrewdriver.png

1 Air alarm electronics Circuitboard.png

1 Air AlarmFile:AirAlarm.png
Fire Alarm
  1. Pick up Metal sheets with your active hand (Hand must be empty)
  2. Click on Metal sheets.
  3. Select Fire alarm frame under the construction list.
  4. Pick up the Fire Alarm frame and click on the desired wall with it in your active hand.
  5. Pick up the Fire alarm electronics and click on the now wall mounted Fire alarm frame.
  6. Click on the Fire alarm with wire in your active hand.
  7. Use a screwdriver on the Fire alarm to finish it.
1 Roll of Cable coil CableCoils.png

2 Metal sheets Metal.png

1 ScrewdriverScrewdriver.png

1 Fire alarm electronics Circuitboard.png

1 Fire Alarm File:FireAlarm.png
Security Camera
  1. Use the autolathe to create a Camera Assembly.
  2. Place the camera assembly on the tile where'd you like the camera to be.
  3. Click on the camera with a Wrench.
  4. Use a welder on the camera..
  5. Use Cable coil on the camera.
  6. Use a Screwdriver on the camera to complete it.
  7. Set camera network (default is SS13)
  8. Set camera direction
1 ScrewdriverScrewdriver.png

1 Autolathe File:Autolathe.png

1 WelderWelder.gif

1 Roll of Cable coilCableCoils.png

1 Wrench Wrench.png

1 Security CameraFile:Security Camera.gif
Light Fixture
  1. Pick up Metal sheets with your active hand (Hand must be empty)
  2. Click on Metal sheets.
  3. Select Light tube frame or Light bulb frame under the construction list.
  4. Click on the wall with the light frame you made.
  5. Use cable coil on the light frame.
  6. Use a screwdriver on the light frame.
  7. Use a light tube or light bulb for small fixtures.
2 Metal sheets Metal.png for a light tube frame.


1 Metal sheets Metal.png for a light bulb frame.

1 Roll of Cable coilCableCoils.png

1 Screwdriver Screwdriver.png

1 Light Tube File:Light Tube.png


1 Light Bulb File:Light Bulb.png

1 Light FixtureFile:Light Fixture.gif

Обычные окна / Бронеокна

  • Если вы хотите сделать окно с решеткой внизу, сначала постройте решетку, а затем постройте окно желаемого типа сверху, следуя приведенным ниже этапам строительства.
Construction Type: How To Build It: Необходимо: Finished Product:
Glass Windows
  1. Pick up Glass sheets with your active hand (Hand must be empty)
  2. Click on Glass sheets.
  3. Choose one direction or full window.
  4. Pull to desired location.
  5. Right click to rotate the one directional glass. (Skip if full window)
  6. Use a screwdriver on the Full window/one directional window.
Glass Glass.png

Screwdriver Screwdriver.png

File:Glass panel.png File:Glass wall.png
Reinforced Windows
  1. Pick up Rods with your active hand (Hand must be empty)
  2. Click on Glass sheets.
  3. Pick up Reinforced glass sheets with your active hand (Hand must be empty)
  4. Choose one direction or full window.
  5. Pull to desired location.
  6. Right click to rotate the one directional glass. (Skip if full window)
  7. Use a screwdriver on the Full window/one directional window.
  8. Use a crowbar on the Full window/ one directional window.
  9. Use a screwdriver on the Full window/one directional window.
Screwdriver Screwdriver.png

Crowbar Crowbar.png

Rods Rods.png

Glass Glass.png

Reinforced glass File:ReinforcedGlass.png

File:Glass panel r.png File:Glass wall r.png


  • If you want to build a gas cooler or gas heater, don't forget to face the direction in which you want the machine to connect.
Construction Type: How To Build It: Необходимо: Finished Product:
  1. Pick up Metal sheets with your active hand (Hand must be empty)
  2. Click on Metal sheets.
  3. Click on machine frame in the construction list.
  4. Use cable coil on the frame.
  5. Add the desired circuit board.
  6. Add 2 Pieces of Cable.
  7. Add 1 Manipulator.
  8. Add 3 Matter bins.
  9. Add 1 Console screen.
  10. Use a Screwdriver on the machine frame.
Metal sheetsMetal.png

1 Screwdriver Screwdriver.png

1 Roll of cable coil CableCoils.png

1 Autolathe circuit board Circuitboard.png

1 Manipulator

3 Matter bins

1 Console screen

1 Autolathe File:Autolathe.png
  1. Pick up Metal sheets with your active hand (Hand must be empty)
  2. Click on Metal sheets.
  3. Click on machine frame in the construction list.
  4. Use cable coil on the frame.
  5. Add the desired circuit board.
  6. Add 2 Manipulator.
  7. Add 2 Matter bins.
  8. Add 2 Small beakers.
  9. Use a Screwdriver on the machine frame.
Metal sheetsMetal.png

1 Screwdriver Screwdriver.png

1 Roll of cable coil CableCoils.png

1 Protolathe circuit board Circuitboard.png

2 Manipulator

2 Matter bins

2 Small Beakers

1 Protolathe File:Protolathe.gif
Destructive Analyzer
  1. Pick up Metal sheets with your active hand (Hand must be empty)
  2. Click on Metal sheets.
  3. Click on machine frame in the construction list.
  4. Use cable coil on the frame.
  5. Add the desired circuit board.
  6. Add 1 Manipulator.
  7. Add 1 Scanning Module
  8. Add 1 Micro laser
  9. Use a Screwdriver on the machine frame.
Metal sheetsMetal.png

1 Screwdriver Screwdriver.png

1 Roll of cable coil CableCoils.png

1 Destructive Analyzer circuit board Circuitboard.png

1 Manipulator

1 Micro laser

1 Scanning Module

1 Destructive Analyzer File:Destructive analyzer.gif
Circuit Imprinter
  1. Pick up Metal sheets with your active hand (Hand must be empty)
  2. Click on Metal sheets.
  3. Click on machine frame in the construction list.
  4. Use cable coil on the frame.
  5. Add the desired circuit board.
  6. Add 1 Matter bin
  7. Add 1 Manipulator
  8. Add 2 Small beakers
  9. Use a Screwdriver on the machine frame.
Metal sheetsMetal.png

1 Screwdriver Screwdriver.png

1 Roll of cable coil CableCoils.png

1 Circuit Imprinter circuit board Circuitboard.png

1 Matter bin

1 Manipulator

2 Small beakers

1 Circuit Imprinter File:Circuit imprinter.gif
Subspace Broadcaster
  1. Pick up Metal sheets with your active hand (Hand must be empty)
  2. Click on Metal sheets.
  3. Click on machine frame in the construction list.
  4. Use cable coil on the frame.
  5. Add the desired circuit board.
  6. Add 1 Pieces of Cable
  7. Add 2 Manipulators
  8. Add 1 Subspace crystal
  9. Add 1 Subspace filter
  10. Add 2 High-powered Micro laser
  11. Use a Screwdriver on the machine frame.
Metal sheetsMetal.png

1 Screwdriver Screwdriver.png

1 Roll of cable coil CableCoils.png

1 Subspace Broadcaster circuit board Circuitboard.png

1 Pieces of Cable

2 Manipulators

1 Subspace crystal

1 Subspace filter

2 High-powered Micro laser

1 Subspace BroadcasterFile:Broadcaster.png
Subspace Receiver
  1. Pick up Metal sheets with your active hand (Hand must be empty)
  2. Click on Metal sheets.
  3. Click on machine frame in the construction list.
  4. Use cable coil on the frame.
  5. Add the desired circuit board.
  6. Add 1 Pieces of Cable
  7. Add 2 Manipulators
  8. Add 1 Scanning Module
  9. Add 1 Micro laser
  10. Add 1 Subspace filter
  11. Add 1 Subspace ansible
  12. Use a Screwdriver on the machine frame.
Metal sheetsMetal.png

1 Screwdriver Screwdriver.png

1 Roll of cable coil CableCoils.png

1 Subspace Broadcaster circuit board Circuitboard.png 2 Manipulators

1 Scanning Module

1 Micro laser

1 Subspace filter

1 Subspace ansible

1 Subspace ReceiverFile:Receiver.png
Exosuit Fabricator
  1. Pick up Metal sheets with your active hand (Hand must be empty)
  2. Click on Metal sheets.
  3. Click on machine frame in the construction list.
  4. Use cable coil on the frame.
  5. Add the desired circuit board.
  6. Add 1 Manipulator
  7. Add 2 Matter bins
  8. Add 1 Console screen
  9. Add 1 Micro laser
  10. Use a Screwdriver on the machine frame.
Metal sheetsMetal.png

1 Screwdriver Screwdriver.png

1 Roll of cable coil CableCoils.png

1 Exosuit Fabricator circuit board Circuitboard.png

1 Manipulator

2 Matter bins

1 Console screen

1 Micro laser

1 Exosuit FabricatorFile:Exofab.png
RnD Server
  1. Pick up Metal sheets with your active hand (Hand must be empty)
  2. Click on Metal sheets.
  3. Click on machine frame in the construction list.
  4. Use cable coil on the frame.
  5. Add the desired circuit board.
  6. Add 2 Cable coils
  7. Add 1 Scanning module
  8. Use a Screwdriver on the machine frame.
Metal sheetsMetal.png

1 Screwdriver Screwdriver.png

1 Roll of cable coil CableCoils.png

1 RnD Server circuit board Circuitboard.png

2 Rolls of Cable coil CableCoils.png

1 Scanning module

1 RnD ServerFile:Rndserver.png
Telecoms Hub
  1. Pick up Metal sheets with your active hand (Hand must be empty)
  2. Click on Metal sheets.
  3. Click on machine frame in the construction list.
  4. Use cable coil on the frame.
  5. Add 2 Rolls of Cable Coil
  6. Add 2 Manipulators
  7. Add 2 Subspace filters
  8. Use a Screwdriver on the machine frame.
Metal sheetsMetal.png

1 Screwdriver Screwdriver.png

1 Roll of cable coil CableCoils.png

1 Telecoms Hub circuit board Circuitboard.png

2 Rolls of Cable coil CableCoils.png

2 Manipulators

2 Subspace filters

1 Telecoms HubFile:Hub.png
Telecoms Bus
  1. Pick up Metal sheets with your active hand (Hand must be empty)
  2. Click on Metal sheets.
  3. Click on machine frame in the construction list.
  4. Use cable coil on the frame.
  5. Add 1 Piece of Cable
  6. Add 2 Manipulators
  7. Add 1 Subspace filters
  8. Use a Screwdriver on the machine frame.
Metal sheetsMetal.png

1 Screwdriver Screwdriver.png

1 Roll of cable coil CableCoils.png

1 Telecoms Bus circuit board Circuitboard.png

1 Piece of Cable

2 Manipulators

1 Subspace filters

1 Telecoms BusFile:Bus.png
Telecoms Relay
  1. Pick up Metal sheets with your active hand (Hand must be empty)
  2. Click on Metal sheets.
  3. Click on machine frame in the construction list.
  4. Use cable coil on the frame.
  5. Add 2 Pieces of Cable
  6. Add 2 Manipulators
  7. Add 2 Subspace filters
  8. Use a Screwdriver on the machine frame.
Metal sheetsMetal.png

1 Screwdriver Screwdriver.png

1 Roll of cable coil CableCoils.png

1 Telecoms Relay circuit board Circuitboard.png

2 Roll of Cable coil CableCoils.png

2 Manipulators

2 Subspace filters

1 Telecoms RelayFile:Relay.png
Telecoms Server
  1. Pick up Metal sheets with your active hand (Hand must be empty)
  2. Click on Metal sheets.
  3. Click on machine frame in the construction list.
  4. Use cable coil on the frame.
  5. Add 1 Piece of Cable
  6. Add 2 Manipulators
  7. Add 1 Subspace filter
  8. Use a Screwdriver on the machine frame.
Metal sheetsMetal.png

1 Screwdriver Screwdriver.png

1 Roll of cable coil CableCoils.png

1 Telecoms Server circuit board Circuitboard.png

1 Roll of Cable coil CableCoils.png

2 Manipulators

1 Subspace filter

1 Telecoms ServerFile:Server.png
P.A.C.M.A.N.-type portable Generator
  1. Pick up Metal sheets with your active hand (Hand must be empty)
  2. Click on Metal sheets.
  3. Click on machine frame in the construction list.
  4. Use cable coil on the frame.
  5. Add 2 Pieces of Cable
  6. Add 1 Micro-laser
  7. Add 1 Matter bin
  8. Add 1 Capacitor
  9. Use a Screwdriver on the machine frame.
Metal sheetsMetal.png

1 Screwdriver Screwdriver.png

1 Roll of cable coil CableCoils.png

1 P.A.C.M.A.N.-type portable Generator circuit board Circuitboard.png

1 Roll of Cable coil CableCoils.png

2 Rolls of Cable coil CableCoils.png

1 Micro-laser

1 Matter bin

1 Capacitor

1 P.A.C.M.A.N.-type portable GeneratorFile:Pacman.png
S.U.P.E.R.P.A.C.M.A.N.-type portable Generator
  1. Pick up Metal sheets with your active hand (Hand must be empty)
  2. Click on Metal sheets.
  3. Click on machine frame in the construction list.
  4. Use cable coil on the frame.
  5. Add 2 Pieces of Cable
  6. Add 1 Micro-laser
  7. Add 1 Matter bin
  8. Add 1 Capacitor
  9. Use a Screwdriver on the machine frame.
Metal sheetsMetal.png

1 Screwdriver Screwdriver.png

1 Roll of cable coil CableCoils.png

1 S.U.P.E.R.P.A.C.M.A.N.-type portable Generator circuit board Circuitboard.png

2 Rolls of Cable coil CableCoils.png

1 Micro-laser

1 Matter bin

1 Capacitor

1 S.U.P.E.R.P.A.C.M.A.N.-type portable GeneratorFile:Superpacman.png
Gas Cooling System
  1. Pick up Metal sheets with your active hand (Hand must be empty)
  2. Click on Metal sheets.
  3. Click on machine frame in the construction list.
  4. Use cable coil on the frame.
  5. Add 1 Matter bin
  6. Add 1 Manipulator
  7. Add 2 Capacitors
  8. Add 2 Rolls of Cable coil
  9. Use a Screwdriver on the machine frame.
Metal sheetsMetal.png

1 Screwdriver Screwdriver.png

1 Roll of cable coil CableCoils.png

1 Gas cooling system circuit board Circuitboard.png

1 Matter bin

1 Manipulator

2 Capacitors

2 Rolls of Cable coil

1 Gas Cooling SystemFile:Freezer.gif
Gas Heating System
  1. Pick up Metal sheets with your active hand (Hand must be empty)
  2. Click on Metal sheets.
  3. Click on machine frame in the construction list.
  4. Use cable coil on the frame.
  5. Add 1 Matter bin
  6. Add 1 Manipulator
  7. Add 2 Capacitors
  8. Add 5 Rolls of Cable coil
  9. Use a Screwdriver on the machine frame.
Metal sheetsMetal.png

1 Screwdriver Screwdriver.png

1 Roll of cable coil CableCoils.png

1 Gas heating system circuit board Circuitboard.png

1 Matter bin

1 Manipulator

2 Capacitors

2 Rolls of Cable coil

1 Gas Heating SystemFile:Heater.png


Construction Type: How To Build It: Необходимо:: Finished Product:
  1. Pick up metal sheets/planks with your active hand (Hand must be empty)
  2. Click on metal sheets/planks.
  3. Select Chair under the construction list.
  4. Select type of chair from pop up menu.
1 Metal Sheet Metal.png


2 Metal Sheets Metal.png


5 Metal Sheets Metal.png


3 Planks Planks.png

1 Chair File:Chair.png


1 Stool File:Stool.png


1 Office chair File:Office Chair.png


1 Comfy chair File:Comfy Chair.png


1 Wooden chair File:Wooden Chair.png

  1. Pick up metal sheets with your active hand (Hand must be empty)
  2. Click on metal sheets.
  3. Select bed under the construction list.
2 Metal Sheets Metal.png 1 Bed Bed.png
  1. Pick up metal with your active hand (Hand must be empty)
  2. Click on metal sheets
  3. Select the rods under the construction list
1 Metal Sheet Metal.png 2 Rods Rods.png
  1. Pick up Metal sheets with your active hand (Hand must be empty)
  2. Click on Metal sheets.
  3. Click on Airlock assembly in the construction list.
  4. Click on the Airlock assembly with a wrench in hand to secure it in the desired location.
  5. You can use a Pen to name the airlock by clicking on the airlock with a pen in your active hand.
  6. Optional: If you add Reinforced Glass to the airlock at this point, it makes a glass airlock.
  7. Click on the airlock with cable coil in your active hand.
  8. Use the Airlock Electronics and set the access level.
  9. Add the Airlock Electronics to the airlock frame.
  10. Screwdriver to finish.
4 Metal Sheets Metal.png

1 Roll of Cable Coil CableCoils.png

Optional: 1 Reinforced Glass

Airlock electronics

1 Screwdriver Screwdriver.png

1 Airlock File:Airlock.gif
  1. Pick up Reinforced Glass sheets with your active hand (Hand must be empty)
  2. Click on Reinforced Glass sheets.
  3. Click on Windoor in the construction list.
  4. Use a Wrench on the windoor.
  5. (Optional)Use Rods to create a secure windoor.
  6. Use cable coil on the windoor.
  7. Use Airlock Electronics on the windoor.
  8. Use a Crowbar on the windoor.
1 Wrench Wrench.png

1 Airlock Electronics. Circuitboard.png

1 Role of Cable Coil CableCoils.png

Reinforced Glass sheets File:ReinforcedGlass.png

1 Crowbar Crowbar.png

1 Windoor File:Windoor.gif
  1. Pick up Metal sheets with your active hand (Hand must be empty)
  2. Click on Metal sheets.
  3. Click on Computer frame in the construction list.
  4. Use a wrench on the computer frame.
  5. Insert the circuitboard of your choosing.
  6. Use a Screwdriver on the computer.
  7. Use a roll of cable on the computer.
  8. Use Glass sheets on the computer.
  9. Use a screwdriver on the computer to finish it.
Metal sheets Metal.png

Glass sheets Glass.png

1 Role of Cable Coil CableCoils.png

1 Screwdriver Screwdriver.png

1 Wrench Wrench.png

1 Computer File:Computer.png
  1. Retrieve the pipe/machine from the Pipe Dispenser (Found in Lower Engineering atmos and Top Deck Engineering atmos)
  2. Crowbar the floor tile to access plating.
  3. Move pipe over plating, rotate and flip using the right click menu.
  4. Wrench the pipe.
  5. Weld the pipe.
1 Welder Welder.gif

1 Wrench Wrench.png

1 Crowbar Wrench.png

File:Disposal pipe.png File:Disposal bin.png File:Disposal outlet.png
Solar panels and Trackers
  1. Place the solar assembly on where you want to construct your solar panel/tracker. To connect it to a wire you must construct it under a wire node.
  2. Use a Wrench on the solar assembly to secure it into place.
  3. Add the Tracker electronics if you want to create a solar tracker. (OPTIONAL)
  4. Finish the construction by placing glass, or reinforced glass, into the assembly frame.
Solar Assembly File:Solar assembly.png

1 Wrench Wrench.png

Glass Glass.png


Reinforced Glass File:ReinforcedGlass.png

1 Solar Panel File:Solar panel.png

1 Solar tracker File:Solar tracker.png

  1. Pick up planks with your active hand (Hand must be empty)
  2. Click on planks.
  3. Click on Bookcase in the construction list.
  4. Wrench the frame into place.
  5. Add a plank to the frame to make a shelf.
Planks Planks.png

1 Wrench Wrench.png

1 Bookcase File:Bookcase.png



Deconstruction Type: How To Deconstuct It: Необходимо: What You Get Back:
  1. Pick up wrench with your active hand (Hand must be empty)
  2. Click on the table.
  3. If you then click on the table parts you can deconstruct it.
1 Wrench Wrench.png 1 Table parts

If you deconstruct the table parts you'll get 1 metal sheets. Metal.png

Reinforced Table
  1. Pick up welder with your active hand (Hand must be empty)
  2. Click on Reinforced Table with the welder. (Do not move during this or you won't deconstruct it)
  3. Same as table deconstruction after the Reinforced table has been welded.
1 Wrench Wrench.png


1 Welder Welder.gif

1 Reinforced table parts

If you deconstruct the reinforced table parts you'll get 1 metal sheet and 1 metal rod. Metal.png Rods.png

  1. Pick up wirecutters with your active hand (Hand must be empty)
  2. Click on grille with wirecutters.
1 Wirecutter Wirecutters.png 2 Rods Rods.png
Wooden Barricade
  1. Bash the wooden barricade with any old object, preferably a weapon of sorts.
Some sort of weapon. 3 wooden planks Planks.png
Metal Barricade
  1. Pick up Screwdriver with your active hand (Hand must be empty)
  2. Click on the Metal Barricade.
  3. Pick up Wrench with your active hand (Hand must be empty)
  4. Click on Metal Barricade.
  5. Pick up Crowbar with your active hand (Hand must be empty)
  6. Click on Metal Barricade.
1 Screwdriver Screwdriver.png

1 Wrench Wrench.png

1 Crowbar Crowbar.png

4 Metal will be returned upon deconstruction of a full health barricade. Amount of metal refunded from barricades is proportional to remaining health (aka 0 plasteel if the barricade is broken).
Plasteel Barricade
  1. Pick up Screwdriver with your active hand (Hand must be empty)
  2. Click on the Plasteel Barricade.
  3. Pick up Wrench with your active hand (Hand must be empty)
  4. Click on Plasteel Barricade.
  5. Pick up Crowbar with your active hand (Hand must be empty)
  6. Click on Plasteel Barricade.
1 Screwdriver Screwdriver.png

1 Wrench Wrench.png

1 Crowbar Crowbar.png

5 Plasteel will be returned upon deconstruction of a full health barricade. Amount of plasteel refunded from barricades is proportional to remaining health (aka 0 plasteel if the barricade is broken).
  1. Pick up Wrench with your active hand (Hand must be empty)
  2. Click on Rack with Wrench in hand.
1 Wrench Wrench.png 1 Metal sheet Metal.png
  1. Pick up Entrenching tool with your active hand (Hand must be empty)
  2. Click on sandbag wall with the entrenching tool in hand.
1 Entrenching tool Entrenching Tool Unfolded.png Sandbags Sandbag Empty.png
Barbed Wire
  1. Pick up wirecutters with your active hand (Hand must be empty)
  2. Click on defensive structure with barbed wire on..
1 Wirecutters Wirecutters.png Barbed Wire File:Barbed Wire.png


Deconstruction Type: How To Deconstuct It: Необходимо: What You Get Back:
  1. Pick up a welder in your active hand (Your hand must be empty)
  2. Click on the lattice with a lit welder.
Welder Welder.gif 1 RodRods.png
  1. Pick up a welder in your active hand (Your hand must be empty)
  2. Click on the lattice with a lit welder.
1 Welder Welder.gif 2 RodsRods.png
  1. Pick up a crowbar in your active hand (Your hand must be empty)
  2. Click on the broken plating with the crowbar.
    1. Alternately use an RCD to deconstruct normal plating.
1 Crowbar Crowbar.png or 1 RCD N/A
Reinforced Floor
  1. Pick up a wrench in your active hand (Your hand must be empty)
  2. Click on the reinforced floor with the wrench.
1 Wrench Wrench.png 2 RodsRods.png
Steel Floor
  1. Pick up a crowbar in your active hand (Your hand must be empty)
  2. Click on the floor tile with a crowbar.
1 Crowbar Crowbar.png 1 Floor tile File:Floor Tiles.png
Wooden Floor
  1. Pick up a screwdriver in your active hand (Your hand must be empty)
  2. Click on the wooden floor with a screwdriver.
1 Screwdriver Screwdriver.png 1 Wood tile File:Wood Tile.png
Carpeted Floor
  1. Pick up a crowbar in your active hand (Your hand must be empty)
  2. Click on the floor tile with a crowbar.
1 Crowbar Crowbar.png 1 Carpet Tile File:Carpet Tile.png
Light Floor
  1. Pick up a crowbar in your active hand (Your hand must be empty)
  2. Click on the light tile with a crowbar.
  3. Pick up wirecutters in your active hand (Your hand must be empty)
  4. Click on the changed light tile with wirecutters.
1 Crowbar Crowbar.png

1 Wirecutter Wirecutters.png

Cable CoilCableCoils.png

Metal Metal.png



Deconstruction Type: How To Deconstuct It: Необходимо: What You Get Back:
  1. Pick up wrench with your active hand (Hand must be empty) then click on the girder.
  2. Pick up some wirecutters with your active hand (Hand must be empty) then click on the girder.
  3. Repeat this process 2 more times.
  4. You'll be left with a broken girder which you can walk through.
1 Wrench Wrench.png

1 Wirecutters Wirecutters.png

A broken girderFile:Broken Girder.png
  1. Pick up welder with your active hand (Hand must be empty and you should be wearing goggles or a welding helmet.)
  2. Click on the wall with a welder. ((If the wall is damaged you will repair it then, you will be able to deconstruct it.)If you examine the wall after this you will see what steps are next required.)
  3. Use a screwdriver on the wall.
  4. Use the welder again on the wall.
  5. Use a crowbar.
  6. Use a wrench
  7. Use wirecutters.
  8. Use a Crowbar.
  9. Use a welder.
  10. You can then use a crowbar on the girder and it will be displaced, which allows you to move it around.
1 WelderWelder.gif

1 Crowbar Crowbar.png

1 Wrench Wrench.png

1 Wirecutters Wirecutters.png

1 Screwdriver Screwdriver.png

You'll be left with a girder once this task is completed.
Reinforced Wall
  1. Use wirecutters
  2. Use a screwdriver
  3. Use a welder
  4. Use a crowbar.
  5. Use a wrench
  6. Use a welder.
  7. Use a crowbar.
  8. You'll then be left with a girder, to deconstruct further follow the girder steps.
1 WelderWelder.gif

1 Crowbar Crowbar.png

1 Wrench Wrench.png

1 Wirecutters Wirecutters.png

1 Screwdriver Screwdriver.png

You'll be left with a girder once this task is completed.

Wall Mountings

Deconstruction Type: How To Deconstuct It: Необходимо: What You Get Back:
  1. Hold your engineering ID with your active hand (Hand must be empty)
  2. Click on the APC with your ID to unlock it. Alternatively, if the APC is broken (tilted and cracked cover), try using your combat knife or gun to smash off the cover.
  3. Click on the APC with a Crowbar in hand if the APC wasn't broken to open up the power source.
  4. Click on the APC with an empty hand to remove the power cell.
  5. Click on the APC with a Screwdriver to unsecure electronics.
  6. Click on the floor tile directly below the APC with a Crowbar to expose its wires.
  7. Click on the APC with Wirecutters to cut the cables.
  8. Click on the floor tile directly below the APC with a Crowbar.
  9. Click on the APC with a Crowbar to remove Power Control Board.
  10. Use a Welder on the APC to remove it from the wall.
  11. Wrenching the frame, that is now detached from the wall.
1 Screwdriver Screwdriver.png

1 Crowbar Crowbar.png

1 Wirecutters Wirecutters.png

1 Welder Welder.gif

2 Metal sheets Metal.png

Heavy-duty power cell (Of varying charge)

Power control module (If APC wasn't destroyed)

10 cable lengths.CableCoils.png

Air Alarm
  1. Pick up a screwdriver in your active hand (Your hand must be empty)
  2. Click on the air alarm with the screwdriver.
  3. Pick up wirecutters in your active hand (Your hand must be empty)
  4. Click on the air alarm with the wirecutters.
  5. Cut all wires except the syphon wire.
  6. Pick up a crowbar in your active hand (Your hand must be empty)
  7. Click on the air alarm with the crowbar.(This will remove the circuit)
  8. Remove the frame from the wall using the wrench.
1 Screwdriver Screwdriver.png

1 Wirecutter Wirecutters.png

1 Crowbar Crowbar.png

1 Wrench Wrench.png

1 Air alarm electronics Circuitboard.png

A roll of cable coil CableCoils.png

1 Air Alarm Frame

Fire Alarm
  1. Pick up a screwdriver in your active hand (Your hand must be empty)
  2. Click on the fire alarm with the screwdriver.
  3. Pick up wirecutters in your active hand (Your hand must be empty)
  4. Click on the fire alarm with the wirecutters.
  5. Cut all wires except the syphon wire.
  6. Pick up a crowbar in your active hand (Your hand must be empty)
  7. Click on the fire alarm with the crowbar.(This will remove the circuit)
  8. Remove the frame from the wall using the wrench.
1 Screwdriver Screwdriver.png

1 Wirecutter Wirecutters.png

1 Crowbar Crowbar.png

1 Wrench Wrench.png

1 Fire alarm electronics Circuitboard.png

A roll of cable coil CableCoils.png

1 Fire Alarm Frame

Security Camera
  1. Pick up a screwdriver in your active hand (Your hand must be empty)
  2. Click on the security camera with the screwdriver.
  3. Use wirecutters on the security camera to bring up a pop up window.
  4. Cut all the wires.
  5. Use a welder on the security camera to unweld it from the wall.
  6. Use a wrench on the security camera to unattach it from the wall.
  7. Use a crowbar on the camera assembly to remove any upgrades.
1 Screwdriver Screwdriver.png

1 Wirecutter Wirecutters.png

1 Crowbar Crowbar.png

1 Wrench Wrench.png

1 Welder Welder.gif

1 Camera assembly
Light Fixture
  1. Click on the light fixture with your active hand (Hand must be empty) to take out the light bulb/light tube.
  2. Use a screwdriver on the light fixture.
  3. Use wirecutters on the light fixture.
  4. Use a wrench on the light fixture to deconstruct it.

1 Screwdriver Screwdriver.png

1 Wirecutter Wirecutters.png

1 Wrench Wrench.png

Metal sheets Metal.png

Normal Windows/Reinforced Windows

Deconstruction Type: How To Deconstuct It: Необходимо: What You Get Back:
Glass WIndow
  1. If you want to keep the window in one piece to move around use a Screwdriver to unsecure it from the ground.
    1. Bash the glass window with any old object, preferably a weapon of sorts.
Some sort of weapon.


1 Screwdriver Screwdriver.png

1 Glass Shard, use a Welder on it to turn it into a stack of 1 Glass.
Reinforced Window
  1. If you want to keep the window in one piece to move around use a Screwdriver then crowbar then screwdriver again.
    1. Bash the reinforced glass window with any old object, preferably a weapon of sorts.
Some sort of weapon


1 Screwdriver Screwdriver.png 1 Crowbar Crowbar.png

1 Glass Shard, use a Welder on it to turn it into a stack of 1 Glass, and 1 Metal Rod.


Deconstruction Type: How To Deconstruct It: Необходимо: Finished Product:
  1. Use a screwdriver on the machine.
  2. Use a crowbar on the machine.
  3. Use wirecutters on the machine.
  4. Use a wrench on the machine.
1 Screwdriver Screwdriver.png

1 Crowbar Crowbar.png

1 wirecutter Wirecutters.png

1 Wrench Wrench.png

Metal sheetsMetal.png

1 Roll of cable coil CableCoils.png

1 Autolathe circuit board Circuitboard.png

1 Manipulator

3 Matter bins

1 Console screen

  1. Use a screwdriver on the machine.
  2. Use a crowbar on the machine.
  3. Use wirecutters on the machine.
  4. Use a wrench on the machine.
1 Screwdriver Screwdriver.png

1 Crowbar Crowbar.png

1 wirecutter Wirecutters.png

1 Wrench Wrench.png

Metal sheetsMetal.png

1 Roll of cable coil CableCoils.png

1 Protolathe circuit board Circuitboard.png

2 Manipulator

2 Matter bins

2 Small Beakers

Destructive Analyzer
  1. Use a screwdriver on the machine.
  2. Use a crowbar on the machine.
  3. Use wirecutters on the machine.
  4. Use a wrench on the machine.
1 Screwdriver Screwdriver.png

1 Crowbar Crowbar.png

1 wirecutter Wirecutters.png

1 Wrench Wrench.png

Metal sheetsMetal.png

1 Roll of cable coil CableCoils.png

1 Destructive Analyzer circuit board Circuitboard.png

1 Manipulator

1 Micro laser

1 Scanning Module

Circuit Imprinter
  1. Use a screwdriver on the machine.
  2. Use a crowbar on the machine.
  3. Use wirecutters on the machine.
  4. Use a wrench on the machine.
1 Screwdriver Screwdriver.png

1 Crowbar Crowbar.png

1 wirecutter Wirecutters.png

1 Wrench Wrench.png

Metal sheetsMetal.png

1 Screwdriver Screwdriver.png

1 Roll of cable coil CableCoils.png

1 Circuit Imprinter circuit board Circuitboard.png

1 Matter bin

1 Manipulator

2 Small beakers

Subspace Broadcaster
  1. Use a screwdriver on the machine.
  2. Use a crowbar on the machine.
  3. Use wirecutters on the machine.
  4. Use a wrench on the machine.
1 Screwdriver Screwdriver.png

1 Crowbar Crowbar.png

1 wirecutter Wirecutters.png

1 Wrench Wrench.png

Metal sheetsMetal.png

1 Roll of cable coil CableCoils.png

1 Subspace Broadcaster circuit board Circuitboard.png

1 Pieces of Cable

2 Manipulators

1 Subspace crystal

1 Subspace filter

2 High-powered Micro laser

Subspace Receiver
  1. Use a screwdriver on the machine.
  2. Use a crowbar on the machine.
  3. Use wirecutters on the machine.
  4. Use a wrench on the machine.
1 Screwdriver Screwdriver.png

1 Crowbar Crowbar.png

1 wirecutter Wirecutters.png

1 Wrench Wrench.png

Metal sheetsMetal.png

1 Roll of cable coil CableCoils.png

1 Subspace Broadcaster circuit board Circuitboard.png

2 Manipulators

1 Scanning Module

1 Micro laser

1 Subspace filter

1 Subspace ansible

Exosuit Fabricator
  1. Use a screwdriver on the machine.
  2. Use a crowbar on the machine.
  3. Use wirecutters on the machine.
  4. Use a wrench on the machine.
1 Screwdriver Screwdriver.png

1 Crowbar Crowbar.png

1 wirecutter Wirecutters.png

1 Wrench Wrench.png

Metal sheetsMetal.png

1 Roll of cable coil CableCoils.png

1 Exosuit Fabricator circuit board Circuitboard.png

1 Manipulator

2 Matter bins

1 Console screen

1 Micro laser

RnD Server
  1. Use a screwdriver on the machine.
  2. Use a crowbar on the machine.
  3. Use wirecutters on the machine.
  4. Use a wrench on the machine.
1 Screwdriver Screwdriver.png

1 Crowbar Crowbar.png

1 wirecutter Wirecutters.png

1 Wrench Wrench.png

Metal sheetsMetal.png

1 Roll of cable coil CableCoils.png

1 RnD Server circuit board Circuitboard.png

2 Rolls of Cable coil CableCoils.png

1 Scanning module

Telecoms Hub
  1. Use a screwdriver on the machine.
  2. Use a crowbar on the machine.
  3. Use wirecutters on the machine.
  4. Use a wrench on the machine.
1 Screwdriver Screwdriver.png

1 Crowbar Crowbar.png

1 wirecutter Wirecutters.png

1 Wrench Wrench.png

Metal sheetsMetal.png

1 Roll of cable coil CableCoils.png

1 Telecoms Hub circuit board Circuitboard.png

2 Rolls of Cable coil CableCoils.png

2 Manipulators

2 Subspace filters

Telecoms Bus
  1. Use a screwdriver on the machine.
  2. Use a crowbar on the machine.
  3. Use wirecutters on the machine.
  4. Use a wrench on the machine.
1 Screwdriver Screwdriver.png

1 Crowbar Crowbar.png

1 wirecutter Wirecutters.png

1 Wrench Wrench.png

Metal sheetsMetal.png

1 Roll of cable coil CableCoils.png

1 Telecoms Bus circuit board Circuitboard.png

1 Piece of Cable

2 Manipulators

1 Subspace filters

Telecoms Relay
  1. Use a screwdriver on the machine.
  2. Use a crowbar on the machine.
  3. Use wirecutters on the machine.
  4. Use a wrench on the machine.
1 Screwdriver Screwdriver.png

1 Crowbar Crowbar.png

1 wirecutter Wirecutters.png

1 Wrench Wrench.png

Metal sheetsMetal.png

1 Roll of cable coil CableCoils.png

1 Telecoms Relay circuit board Circuitboard.png

2 Roll of Cable coil CableCoils.png

2 Manipulators

2 Subspace filters

Telecoms Server
  1. Use a screwdriver on the machine.
  2. Use a crowbar on the machine.
  3. Use wirecutters on the machine.
  4. Use a wrench on the machine.
1 Screwdriver Screwdriver.png

1 Crowbar Crowbar.png

1 wirecutter Wirecutters.png

1 Wrench Wrench.png

Metal sheetsMetal.png

1 Roll of cable coil CableCoils.png

1 Telecoms Server circuit board Circuitboard.png

1 Roll of Cable coil CableCoils.png

2 Manipulators

1 Subspace filter

P.A.C.M.A.N.-type portable Generator
  1. Use a screwdriver on the machine.
  2. Use a crowbar on the machine.
  3. Use wirecutters on the machine.
  4. Use a wrench on the machine.
1 Screwdriver Screwdriver.png

1 Crowbar Crowbar.png

1 wirecutter Wirecutters.png

1 Wrench Wrench.png

Metal sheetsMetal.png

1 Roll of cable coil CableCoils.png

1 P.A.C.M.A.N.-type portable Generator circuit board Circuitboard.png

1 Roll of Cable coil CableCoils.png

2 Rolls of Cable coil CableCoils.png

1 Micro-laser

1 Matter bin

1 Capacitor

S.U.P.E.R.P.A.C.M.A.N.-type portable Generator
  1. Use a screwdriver on the machine.
  2. Use a crowbar on the machine.
  3. Use wirecutters on the machine.
  4. Use a wrench on the machine.
1 Screwdriver Screwdriver.png

1 Crowbar Crowbar.png

1 wirecutter Wirecutters.png

1 Wrench Wrench.png

Metal sheetsMetal.png

1 Roll of cable coil CableCoils.png

1 S.U.P.E.R.P.A.C.M.A.N.-type portable Generator circuit board Circuitboard.png

2 Rolls of Cable coil CableCoils.png

1 Micro-laser

1 Matter bin

1 Capacitor

Gas Cooling System
  1. Use a screwdriver on the machine.
  2. Use wrench here to rotate the machine if needed
  3. Use a crowbar on the machine.
  4. Use wirecutters on the machine.
  5. Use a wrench on the machine.
1 Screwdriver Screwdriver.png

1 Crowbar Crowbar.png

1 wirecutter Wirecutters.png

1 Wrench Wrench.png

Metal sheetsMetal.png

1 Roll of cable coil CableCoils.png

1 Gas cooling system circuit board Circuitboard.png

1 Matter bin

1 Manipulator

2 Capacitors

2 Rolls of Cable coil

Gas Heating System
  1. Use a screwdriver on the machine.
  2. Use wrench here to rotate the machine if needed
  3. Use a crowbar on the machine.
  4. Use wirecutters on the machine.
  5. Use a wrench on the machine.
1 Screwdriver Screwdriver.png

1 Crowbar Crowbar.png

1 wirecutter Wirecutters.png

1 Wrench Wrench.png

Metal sheetsMetal.png

1 Screwdriver Screwdriver.png

1 Roll of cable coil CableCoils.png

1 Gas heating system circuit board Circuitboard.png

1 Matter bin

1 Manipulator

2 Capacitors

2 Rolls of Cable coil


Deconstruction Type: How To Deconstuct It: Необходимо: What You Get Back:
  1. Pick up wrench with your active hand (Hand must be empty)
  2. Click on the Chair with the wrench to disassemble it.
1 WrenchWrench.png 1 Metal Sheets Metal.png
  1. Pick up wrench with your active hand (Hand must be empty)
  2. Click on the Bed with the wrench to disassemble it.
1 WrenchWrench.png 1 Metal Sheets Metal.png
  1. Pick up welder with your active hand (Hand must be empty)
  2. Click on 4 Rods.
1 Welder Welder.gif 1 Metal Sheet Metal.png
  1. Pick up Screwdriver with your active hand (Hand must be empty)
  2. Click on the airlock with your screwdriver.
  3. Use multitool and/or wirecutters to disable the power whilst keeping the doorbolts up.
  4. Click on the airlock with a welder to weld it shut.
  5. Click on the airlock with a Crowbar to take out the electronics. (If this doesn't work, you might need to re-open the hack menu and turn off the test light wire again)
  6. Use wirecutters on the airlock to cut the cables out.
  7. Optional: If the airlock sprite contains visible glass panels, you will need to use the Welder on it, and you will not need to perform the Wrench step, doing this gets you a stack of 1 reinforced glass and turns it into a normal, metal airlock.
  8. Use a Wrench on the airlock to unsecure it.
  9. Weld the airlock to deconstruct it into metal sheets.
1 Welder Welder.gif

1 Wrench Wrench.png

1 Screwdriver Screwdriver.png

1 Wirecutter Wirecutters.png

1 Crowbar Crowbar.png

1 Multitool Multitool.png

4 Metal sheets Metal.png

1 Cable piece CableCoils.png

Airlock electronics

Optional: 1 Reinforced glass

Emergency Shutters:
  1. Use a screwdriver on the emergency shutter.
  2. Use a crowbar on the emergency shutter.
  3. Use a wrench on the emergency shutter.
  4. Use a welder on the emergency shutter.
1 Screwdriver Screwdriver.png

1 Crowbar Crowbar.png

1 Wrench Wrench.png

1 Welder Welder.gif

1 Air Alarm Electronics. Circuitboard.png

1 Air Alarm Electronics. Circuitboard.png

Metal sheets Metal.png

  1. Can only be broken with a weapon then rebuilt by welding the glass shards back together.
Some sort of weapon


1 Welder Welder.gif

Glass shards.
  1. Use a screwdriver on the computer.
  2. Use a crowbar on the computer
  3. Use wirecutters on the computer.
  4. Use a screwdriver on the computer.
  5. Use a crowbar on the computer
  6. Use a wrench on the computer frame.
  7. Use a welder on the computer fame.

1 Screwdriver Screwdriver.png

1 Crowbar Crowbar.png

1 Wrench Wrench.png

1 Wirecutters Wirecutters.png

1 Welder Welder.gif

Metal sheets Metal.png

Glass sheets Glass.png

1 Role of Cable Coil CableCoils.png

1 Computer circuit Circuitboard.png

  1. Disposal Pipes
    1. Use a welder on the disposals pipe.
    2. Use a wrench on the disposals pipe.
  2. Disposals Machinery (If disposal bin, turn off the pump.)
    1. Use a screwdriver on the machine.
    2. Use a Welder on the machine
    3. Use a Wrench on the machine.
1 Welder Welder.gif

1 Wrench Wrench.png

1 Screwdriver Screwdriver.png

1 Disposal PipeFile:Disposal pipe.png


1 Disposal machineFile:Disposal bin.png File:Disposal outlet.png

Solar panels and Trackers
  1. Use a crowbar on the Solar panel.
  2. (Optional) Use a crowbar on a tracker and it'll remove the electronics.
  3. Use a wrench solar assembly so you can move it around.
1 Crowbar Crowbar.png 1 Solar Assembly File:Solar assembly.png
  1. Not Applicable.
Not Applicable Not Applicable