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Через этот лифт будут приходить все заказы, заказы приезжают из автоматизированной системы хранения и поиска. Заказы создаются через специальные консоли, морпехи могут заказывать припасы, а вы, как работник Отдела Поставок должны либо отклонить или принять заказ.


Иногда могут произойти сбои в системе доставки! Например: Вам доставят улей пауков на лифте. Или захваченный боевик CLF в коробке из чёрного маркета!

Деньги можно получить четырьмя способами:

  • Отдел с начала раунда имеет кое-какие деньги. Здесь идёт расчёт по формуле (кол-во морпехов / 30) * 12,000
  • Каждую минуту вам пассивно будут приходить примерно 300 долларов.
  • Любые ящики отправленные вниз будут давать вам 200 долларов.
  • Бумажка с составом заказа (которая в ящике с припасами), проштампованная бумажка штампом из кабинета RO будет стоить вам 100 долларов (за одну).

Weapons rack.png Armaments, Ammunition and Surplus Uniform Vendors Weapons rack.png

Located next to the attachments vendor there is a surplus armaments and ammunition vendor. The room to the south houses the spare uniforms vendor. These contain all the spare weapons and ammo the USCM may require during an operation. They hold various kinds of weapons and ammunition such armor-piercing rounds or various kinds of grenades for the marines to use, if they request any.

Primary Firearms: Description:
M37 Variants.gif

M37A2 pump shotgun

Template:M37 Description

Template:M37A2 Consolidated

M39 Variants.gif

M39 sub machine gun

Template:M39 Description

Template:M39 Consolidated

M41A Variants.gif

M41A pulse rifle MK2

Template:M41A MK2 Description

Template:M41A MK2 Consolidated


M4RA Battle rifle

Template:M4RA Description

Template:M4RA Consolidated

Sidearms: Description:

88 Mod 4

Template:88Mod4 Description


Recoil Wielded: 0.1

Recoil Unwielded: 0.1

Scatter Wielded: 4

Scatter Unwielded: 4

Burst Scatter: 4

Burst Amount: 3

Effective Range: 4 tiles

Firerate: 240 RPM

Burst Firerate: 205 RPM

Accuracy Wielded: 6

Accuracy Unwielded: 6

88M4AP Magazine.png

88M4 AP Magazine

Ёмкость: 18

Урон: 30

Максимальная дальность: 22

Fall off: 7

Пробитие: 40

Punch: 0.5

Содержит восемнадцать (18) бронебойных патронов. Имеют большую пробивную способность, но слабый урон.

Использует одинаковый калибр что и M4A3, что позволяет вам перезаряжать AP M4A3 магазины.


88M4 Incendiary Magazine

Capacity: 18

Damage: 24

Max Range: 22

Fall off: 7

Penetration: 40

Punch: 0.5

Holds eighteen (18) incendiary rounds. Will set ablaze any and all targets hit with this round. Obtainable through the Surplus supply crate in Requisitions.

Uses the same calibre bullets as the M4A3, allowing you to refill it using bullets from an Incendiary M4A3 Magazine.


88M4 Cluster Magazine

Capacity: 18

Damage: 30

Max Range: 22

Fall off: 7

Penetration: 40

Punch: 0.5

Cluster stack: 1.5

Holds eighteen (18) cluster rounds. Designed to attach tiny explosives to targets, to detonate all at once when more than 15 cluster bombs are attached to the target.

Uses the same calibre bullets as the M4A3, allowing you to refill it using bullets from an cluster M4A3 Magazine.

Not currently obtainable.


88M4 Wall Piercing Magazine

Capacity: 18

Damage: 36

Max Range: 22

Fall off: 7

Penetration: 50

Punch: 0.5

Holds eighteen (18) Wall Piercing rounds. Able to penetrate through up to 6 solid non-indestructible walls and people/aliens alike.

Uses the same calibre bullets as the M4A3, allowing you to refill it using bullets from an Wall Piercing M4A3 Magazine.

Not currently obtainable


88M4 Toxin Magazine

Capacity: 18

Damage: 30

Max Range: 22

Fall off: 7

Penetration: 40

Punch: 0.5

Holds eighteen (18) Toxin rounds. Temporarily lowers alien armour through every hit with a maximum of 75 toxin applicable. Once the toxin level is above their armour, they will receive full damage from all sources.

Applies 10 toxin per hit.

Uses the same calibre bullets as the M4A3, allowing you to refill it using bullets from an Toxin M4A3 Magazine.

Not currently obtainable.

Muzzle Attachments Supressor.pngSuppressor

Extended barrel.pngExtended Barrel

Barrel charger.pngBarrel Charger

Recoil compensator.pngRecoil Compensator

Rail Attachments Mountedflash.pngRail Flashlight

File:Reflex.pngS6 Reflex Sight

Reddot.pngS5 Red-Dot Sight

Underbarrel Attachments Burstfire.pngBurst Fire Adapter

Laser sight.pngLaser Sight

Stock Attachments None
Damage versus Armor:
Armor Value 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Armor Piercing 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 27 24
Toxin 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 27 24
Wall Piercing 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36
Incendiary 24 21 17 14 11 8 6 3 1 0 0
Cluster 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 27 24

M44 combat revolver

Template:M44 Description

Template:M44 Consolidated

File:M4A3 Variants.gif

M4A3 service pistol

Template:M4A3 Description

Template:M4A3 Consolidated

File:Flare Gun.png

M82-F flare gun

Template:Flare Gun Description

Restricted Firearms: Description:

VP-78 Pistol

Template:VP78 Description

Template:VP78 Consolidated


SU-6 Smart Pistol

Template:Smart Pistol Description

Template:Smart Pistol Consolidated


MOU53 break action shotgun

Template:MOU53 Description

Template:MOU53 Consolidated


M41AE2 Heavy Pulse Rifle

Template:M41AE2 Description

Template:M41AE2 Consolidated


M41A Mk1 Pulse Rifle

Template:M41A MK1 Description

Template:M41A MK1 Consolidated


M56D Heavy Machine Gun

Template:M56D Description

Template:M56D Consolidated

File:M2C HMG.png

M2C Heavy Machine Gun

Template:M2C Description

Template:M2C Consolidated


M240A1 Incinerator Unit

Template:M240A1 Description

Template:M240A1 Consolidated

File:M79 grenade launcher.png

M79 Grenade Launcher

Template:M79 Description

Template:M79 Consolidated

File:XM51 breaching scattergun.png

XM51 Breaching Scattergun

Template:XM51 Description

Template:XM51 Consolidated


XM88 Heavy Rifle

Template:XM88 Description

Template:XM88 Consolidated

Explosives: Description:

M15 fragmentation grenade

Explodes in a 5x5 blast radius with a large shrapnel range. An outdated USCM Fragmentation Grenade. With decades of service in the USCM, the old M15 Fragmentation Grenade is slowly being replaced with the slightly safer M40 HEDP. It is set to detonate in 4 seconds. Better radius than the M40 HEDP.

M20 Claymore anti-personnel mine

The M20 Claymore is a directional proximity triggered anti-personnel mine designed by Armat Systems for use by the United States Colonial Marines. Used for killing or heavily wounding any would be trouble makers who dare attempt to invade your base.
File:M40 HEDP box.png

M40 HEDP grenade box

Contains 25 Grenades. A secure box holding 25 M40 High-Explosive Dual-Purpose grenades. Highly explosive, don't store near flamer fuel. Has a colored stripe indicating which type of grenade is in the box at a glance.


M40 HIDP incendiary grenade

Exploding in a 5 tile diameter and a 3x3 tile square, incendiary grenades are a powerful area of denial weapon that can deal immense damage to a hostile target if it's caught in the fire. The difference with this grenade is that its effects linger for a while making it useful in keeping Aliens back.
M40 HPDP.png

M40 HPDP White Phosphorus Grenade

The M40 HPDP is a small, but powerful phosphorus grenade. It is set to detonate in 2 seconds.

Sets ablaze whoever enters the phosphorus cloud with intense burning smoke.

Smoke grenade.png

M40 HSDP smoke grenade

Standard issue USCM smoke grenade, does what it says on the tin. Primarily useful to deal with insurgents in colonies or potential hostile boarders.
M74 Airburst Grenade.png

M74 AGM-F 40mm Grenade

Exploding in a 60 degrees directional cone with concentrated jagged shrapnel. M74 - Airburst Grenade Munition - Fragmentation. This grenade must be launched with a grenade launcher, and detonates once it reaches its destination. It disperse jagged shrapnel in a cone in front of itself, tearing through sinews and armor alike. Dispersion pattern is optimized against large target. Suffers from overpenetration on a direct hit.

Video Demonstration

Must be loaded into a Grenade Launcher

M74 Incen Airburst Grenade.png

M74 AGM-I 40mm Grenade

Exploding in a 60 degrees directional cone with concentrated flaming shrapnel spread and a cone of fire. M74 - Airburst Grenade Munition - Incendiary. This grenade must be launched with a grenade launcher, and detonates once it reaches its destination. It disperse a cone of lingering flames in a small area in front of it. The warped pieces of the grenade can also set fire as they fly away.

Video Demonstration

Must be loaded into a Grenade Launcher

File:M74 Smoke Airburst Grenade.png

M74 AGM-S 40mm Grenade

Exploding in a cloud of smoke that covers vision. M74 - Airburst Grenade Munition - Smoke. This grenade must be launched with a grenade launcher, and detonates once it reaches its destination. It disperse a large cloud of smoke that obscures vision and makes it difficult to breath within, making opponents drop whatever they may be holding.

Must be loaded into a Grenade Launcher

File:M74 Star Shell.png

M74 AGM-Star Shell

Functions identically to the standard AGM-F 40mm grenade, except instead of exploding into shrapnel, the star shells bursts into burning phosphor that illuminates the area.
File:M74 Hornet Shell.png

M74 AGM-Hornet Shell

Functions identically to the standard AGM-F 40mm grenade, except instead of exploding into shrapnel, the hornet shell shoots off holo-targetting .22lr rounds. The equivalent to buckshot at-range.
File:M74 Baton Shell.png

M74 AGM-Baton Shell

Cousin to the M15 Rubber pellet, the HIRR baton slug was recalled from military and civilian police forces due to over-packed propellant in the sabot casing. Now it is utilized as a less-than-lethal option in engagements with human, and sometimes non-human, forces. Historically, the HIRR was incredibly popular during the Arcturus conflict, as the impact force was found to reliably incapacitate Arcturian resistance forces by breaking their ribs into their lungs.
File:M40 Metal Foam Grenade.png

M40 MFHS Metal Foam Grenade

A grenade that will detonate and spread metal foam surrounding it's ground zero. Useful for retreats to slow down an enemy advance.

C4 Explosive Charge

C4 is typically issued to Squad Leaders, Specialists (Using the Demolitions Loadout), Engineers and Responders. C4 is primarily used for quickly breaking into secure buildings, but it's also the most effective method to destroy alien tunnels. The minimum time that can be set on a charge is 10 seconds and detonates in a 1.5 meter radius. Anyone with Trained level of engineering can plant C4.

Webbing: Description:
Black webbing vest.png
Black Webbing Vest
Robust black synthcotton vest with lots of pockets to hold whatever you need, but cannot hold in hands. Holds 5 small sized items.
Brown webbing vest.png

Brown Webbing vest

Worn brownish synthcotton vest with lots of small pockets to unburden your hands. Holds 5 small sized items.

Can be ordered via crate in Requisitions, but not carried typically.

Shoulder Holster.png

Shoulder Holster

A traditional shoulder holster that can be attached to all uniforms. Can holster any handgun and completes the look of any hard-boiled detective.


Sturdy mess of synthcotton belts and buckles, ready to share your burden. Holds 3 small sized items or magazines.

It is the standard webbing for most of the USCM support personnel. Standard Marines can acquire them through their ColMarTech Automated Closet. Can be issued out by Requisitions.


Knife Webbing

A vest that can hold five throwing knives.
Drop Pouch.png

Drop Pouch

Удобная сумка для хранения различных предметов. Вмещает 2 крупных предмета.

Backpacks: Description:
USCM infantry backpack.png

Lightweight IMP backpack

The standard-issue backpack of the USCM. Designed to slug gear into the battlefield.

Has to be held in one hand to access items inside. Holds 7 normal size items.

File:L44 M37A2 scabbard.png

L44 M37A2 Scabbard

A large leather holster allowing the storage of an M37A2 Shotgun. It contains harnesses that allow it to be secured to the back for easy storage.
File:G4-1 FuelTank.png

USCM Pyrotechnician G4-1 Fuel Tank

A much older generation back rig that holds fuel in two tanks. A small regulator sits between the two. Has a few straps for holding up to three of the actual flamer tanks you'll be refilling.

Holds 350 units of fuel.


USCM technician welderpack

Template:USCM Technician Welderpack
File:USCM mortar shell backpack.png

USCM mortar shell backpack

|A backpack specifically designed to carry ammunition for the M402 mortar.

USCM Technician Welder-Satchel

Template:USCM Technician Welder-Satchel
File:IO Pack.png

USCM Logistics IMP Backpack

A standard-issue backpack worn by logistics personnel. It is occasionally issued to combat personnel for longer term expeditions and deep space incursions.
Belts: Description:

G8-A general utility pouch

A small, lightweight pouch that can be clipped onto Armat Systems M3 Pattern armor to provide additional storage. The newer G8-A model, while uncomfortable, can also be clipped around the waist. Can hold more varied items than the standard belts. They can hold 3 items.
M276 Pattern Ammo Load Rig.png

M276 pattern ammo load rig

The M276 is the standard load-bearing equipment of the USCM. It consists of a modular belt with various clips. This version is the standard variant designed for bulk ammunition-carrying operations. This holds 5 various magazines or handfuls of shotgun shells.

It is the standard rig for most of the USCM combat personnel, excluding Engineers and Medics. It is one of the belt options of the ColMarTech Automated Closet.

M276 pattern M4A3 holster rig.png

M276 Pattern General Pistol Holster Rig

The M276 is the standard load-bearing equipment of the USCM. It consists of a modular belt with various clips. This version has a holster assembly that allows one to carry the M4A3, 88M4, or the M1911 comfortably secure. It also contains side pouches that can store 9mm or .45 magazines.
File:M276 pattern knife.png

M276 Pattern Knife Rig

The M276 is the standard load-bearing equipment of the USCM. It consists of a modular belt with various clips. This version is specially designed with four holsters to store throwing knives. Not commonly issued, but kept in service for the USCM's more suicidal operators. Holds up to 12 throwing knives. Can quickly draw knives from it by pressing E. Or if there is a primary weapon in the suit storage slot, Shift + E.
M276 pattern M39 holster rig.png

M276 pattern M39 holster rig

The M276 is the standard load-bearing equipment of the USCM. It consists of a modular belt with various clips. This version is designed for the M39 SMG and features a larger frame to support the gun. Due to its unorthodox design, it isn't a very common sight and is only specially issued.

It is one of the uncommon rigs inside USCM Cargo Vendors and can also be found in the standard marine prep, and some of the specialized squad role vendors..

M276 pattern M40 HEDP.png

M276 Pattern M40 Grenade Rig

Template:M276 Pattern M40 HEDP Rig Description

M276 pattern M44 holster rig.png

M276 pattern M44 holster rig

The M276 is the standard load-bearing equipment of the USCM. It consists of a modular belt with various clips. This version is for the M44 magnum revolver, along with three pouches for speedloaders. It faintly smells of hay.

It is one of the uncommon rigs inside USCM Cargo Vendors or Some Marine Prep Vendors, and is standard issue for the Requisitions Officer.

M276 pattern M82F flare gun holster rig.png

M276 pattern M82F holster rig

The M276 is the standard load-bearing equipment of the USCM. It consists of a modular belt with various clips. This version is for the M82F flare gun.
Shotgun belt.png

Shotgun shell load rig

An ammunition belt designed to hold shotgun shells or individual bullets. This holds 10 handfuls of shells. It is one of the belt options of the ColMarTech Automated Closet.
File:M276 pattern mortar operator belt.png

M276 pattern mortar operator belt

A belt specifically designed to carry ammunition for the M402 mortar along with a sidearm.

Holds 4 mortar shells of any kind and reserves a slot for a pistol.

File:Rappel Harness.png

Rappel Harness

A belt designed to allow the wearer to rappel from a dropship at low altitude.

Pouches: Description:

Autoinjector Pouch

A Large pouch dedicated to holding autoinjectors. Holds 7 Autoinjectors.

Construction pouch

Designed to holster construction materials. Issued to Engineers, or found inside the ColMarTech automated armaments vendor in Requisitions.


Metal Sheets


Plasteel Sheets

Sandbag Empty.png

Empty Sandbags


Wooden Planks


Metal Rods


Cable Coil

File:Barbed Wire.png

Barbed Wire

Entrenching Tool Unfolded.png

Entrenching Tool


Explosive pouch

Container designed to hold up to three grenades or other explosives. Issued to Engineers, or found inside the ColMarTech automated armaments vendor in Requisitions.

First-Aid Pouch (Injector)


Flare pouch

Can hold 8 flares (including activated flare). Refillable with a M94 Flare Pack. Useful for lighting the way for your comrades. It is one of the pouch options of the ColMarTech Automated Closet.

Fuel tank strap pouch

Two rings straps that loop around M240 variety napalm tanks. Handle with care.

Can be worn by attaching it to a pocket.


Large pistol magazine pouch

Pouch able to hold 6 pistol magazines. It is one of the uncommon pouches inside the ColMarTech automated armaments vendor in Requisitions.

Magazine pouch

Подсумок необычного выпуска, вмещающий три магазина и/или несколько патронов для дробовика. Предназначен для медиков и инженеров. Это также один из вариантов подсумка ColMarTech Automated Closet который можно найти в разделе ColMarTech automated armaments vendor в Requisitions. Содержит 3 слота.

Shotgun Shell pouch

Подсумок для патронов к дробовику. В нем может быть пару дроби или пуль смотря что вы выберете и для какой ситуации

Это один из вариантов подсумка в ColMarTech Automated Closet.

Содержит 5 слотов.

Machete pouch.png

Machete pouch

A large leather scabbard used to carry a M2132 machete. It can be strapped to the pouch slot.

Medical pouch

Large pouch able to hold a wide array of medical supplies. Issued to Medics, or found inside the ColMarTech automated armaments vendor in Requisitions.

Contains 4 slots.








Advanced Kits


Health Analyzer


Pill Bottles




Medium general pouch

A general purpose pouch used to carry more small items and also magazines. Contains 2 slots. It is one of the pouch options of the ColMarTech Automated Closet and can be found inside the ColMarTech automated armaments vendor in Requisitions.

Medkit pouch

Special issue pouch, able to hold a medkit. Issued to Medics, or found inside the ColMarTech automated armaments vendor in Requisitions.
First-aid kit.png



Sidearm pouch

A holster to carry pistols, typically a standard issue M4A3 handgun, or 88M4 Pistol. It is one of the common pouches inside the ColMarTech automated armaments vendor in Requisitions.

Syringe pouch

Uncommon issue pouch, able to hold an array of syringes. Issued to Medics, or found inside the ColMarTech automated armaments vendor in Requisitions. Contains 6 slots.
File:Tool Pouch.png

Tools Pouch

Designed to hold all your different types of tools. Issued to Engineers, or found inside the ColMarTech automated armaments vendor in Requisitions.










Cable Coil


Security Access Tuner



Entrenching Tool Unfolded.png

Entrenching Tool

Sling pouch.png

Sling pouch

Keeps a single item attached to a strap, Can contain either an e-tool, motion tracker or any medium-sized device. When an item that was attached to the sling pouch is dropped, It will return to the sling pouch.

Large Magazine pouch

Специальный подсумок, вмещающий до четырёх магазинов и/или горсть патронов для дробовика. Выдаётся СЛам и специалистам. Это один из вариантов подсумка в ColMarTech Automated Closet и вы можете заказать его Requisitions.

Содержит 4 слота.


Large Shotgun Shell pouch

Подсумок для патронов к дробовику. В нем может быть пару дроби или пуль смотря что вы выберете и для какой ситуации. Это один из вариантов подсумка в ColMarTech Automated Closet.

Содержит 5 слотов.

Miscellaneous: Description:

Combat flashlight

It's a flashlight, can be held, thrown or turned into a Rail Flashlight attachment.
Entrenching Tool Unfolded.png

Entrenching Tool

Used for digging and filling up sandbags, as well as deconstructing them. Can be folded to fit in a backpack or certain pouches.

Gas Mask

Противогазы доступны в автоматизированных шкафах ColMarTech для всех морских пехотинцев. В любом случае, они не защищают голову.
File:M89 Signal FlarePack.png

M89-S signal flare pack

A packet of five M89-S Signal Marking Flares. Used for signaling close air support dropships to strafe an area.

M94 marking flare pack

A packet of five M94 Marking Flares. Carried by USCM soldiers to light dark areas that cannot be reached with the usual TNR Shoulder Lamp.
H5 pattern M2132 machete scabbard.png

H5 Pattern M2132 Machete Scabbard

A large leather scabbard used to carry an M2132 machete. It can be strapped to the back or the armor.
File:MB-6 Folding Barricade.png

MB-6 Folding Barricade

A plasteel-carbon composite barricade. Resistant to most acids while being simple to repair. There are two pushplates that allow this barricade to fold into a neat package. Use a blowtorch to repair. Can be worn on the backpack slot once folded.
Motion Detector.gif

Motion Detector

A device that detects movement, but ignores marines. The screen will show the amount of unidentified movement detected (up to 9). For example, if a alien on the other side of a wall, it will be highlighted and give off a high-pitched pinging sound. Hold the motion tracker in your hand or store it in your belt slot, and turn it on either by clicking on it or Z (in hotkey mode). You can switch modes with Alt+Click.

Motion Detector Range Modes:
You can cycle through two different range modes, Long Range and Short Range by right clicking the motion detector and then clicking on Toggle Range Mode.
  • Long Range: The motion detector will detect movement on your whole screen and further at a slow rate.
  • Short Range: The motion tracker covers a smaller amount of your screen but detects movement at a faster rate.


A military-issued pair of binoculars. There is nothing special about this pair of binoculars.
Range Finders.png


A pair of binoculars, with a laser targeting function. This one is only used for gathering coordinates for mortar targets, supply drop coordinates and Orbital Bombardment coordinates. Ctrl + Click turf to acquire its coordinates. Ctrl + Click rangefinder to stop lasing. The tile's Longitude and Latitude coordinates will be displayed in a pop up menu
Tactical Binoculars.png

Laser Designator

A pair of binoculars, with a laser targeting function. It is used to mark an area for CAS or a mortar target to the targeted location. Has a targeting ID for CAS to identify which laser is which. Ctrl + Click a turf to target something. Ctrl + Click designator to stop lasing. Alt + Click designator to switch modes.
Tactical Binocular Different Modes:
  • Rangefinder Mode: After Ctrl + Clicking the desired target a green laser will appear after which that tile's Longitude and Latitude coordinates will be displayed in a pop up menu. Coordinates used for Mortars and Orbital Bombardments
  • CAS Mode: After Ctrl + Clicking the desired target a red laser will appear from which any pilot doing a flyby mission can select this mark as a CAS target.

Welding Goggles

A pair of Welding Goggles. Goes on the eyes slot.
Mini Extinguisher.png

Mini Fire Extinguisher

A portable fire extinguisher, highly useful for saving inventory space compared to the traditional extinguisher.
Fulton Device.png

Fulton Recovery Device

A system used by the USCM for retrieving objects of interest on the ground from a AUD-25 dropship. Can be used to extract unrevivable corpses or crates, typically lasting around 3 minutes in the air.

There are 20 uses in the stack.


JTAC Pamphlet

A pamphlet that grants +1 to the JTAC skill, allowing you to lase faster with tactical binoculars.

Engineering Pamphlet

A pamphlet that grants +1 to the engineering and construction skills, allowing you to build barricades, dismantle walls, and more.

Powerloader Certification

A pamphlet that grants +1 to the powerloader skill, allowing you to use the powerloader.

Regular Ammunition: Description:

Buckshot Shells

Fires multiple small projectiles. Deals massive damage, knocks back, and stuns humanoid mobs for a random duration out to 2 tiles. Fires in a 15-degree radius. Holds 25 shells.
File:Box of flechette shells.png

Flechette Shells

Fires multiple shrapnel projectiles. Projectiles fan out in a cone 5 tiles in width out to a distance of 7 tiles. Consequently deals massive damage out to ~2 tiles, heavy to moderate damage out to ~3-5 tiles, and light damage at ~7 tiles. Doesn't stun or knock back. Holds 25 shells.

Slug Shells

Single Slug Projectile. Effective in ranged combat. Armor Piercing. Less damage. Stuns and knocks back humanoid mobs for about 1 second out to 5 tiles. Holds 25 shells.

M4RA Magazine

A magazine of standard 10x24mm rounds for use in the M4RA battle rifle. Holds twenty five (25) 10x24mm rifle rounds.


M41A Magazine

Holds forty (40) 10x24mm rifle rounds.

M39 HV Magazine

Holds forty eight (48) 10x20mm rounds.

M44 Speed Loader

Holds seven (7) .44 rounds.

M4A3 Magazine

Holds nine (9) 9mm pistol rounds.
Armor-Piercing Ammunition: Description:
88M4AP Magazine.png

88M4 AP Magazine

Holds eighteen (18) rounds. Has better armor penetration, but lower overall damage.

Uses the same caliber bullets as the M4A3, allowing you to refill it using bullets from an AP M4A3 Magazine.


M4RA Armor Piercing Magazine

Holds twenty five (25) AP rifle rounds. Has better armor penetration, but lower overall damage.

M39 Armor Piercing Magazine

Holds forty eight (48) 10x20mm AP rounds. Has better armor penetration, but lower overall damage.

M41A MK2 Armor Piercing Magazine

Holds forty (40) 10x24mm AP rifle rounds. Has better armor penetration, but lower overall damage.

M4A3 Armor Piercing Magazine

Holds nine (9) 9mm pistol rounds. Has better armor penetration, but lower overall damage.
Extended Ammunition: Description:

M39 Extended Magazine

Holds seventy two (72) 10x20mm rounds. Holds more ammunition than the standard magazines.

M41A MK2 Extended Magazine

Holds sixty (60) 10x24mm rifle rounds. Holds more ammunition than the standard magazines.

M4RA Extended Magazine

An extended magazine of 10x24mm rounds for use in the M4RA battle rifle. Holds thirty five (35) 10x24mm rifle rounds. Available through the black market crates.
Special Ammunition: Description:

M56 Power Pack

Contains ten thousand (10000) units of power. It's required for the use of the smartgun's abilities as well as firing the smartgun itself.
File:Smartgun Drum.png

Smartgun Drum

Carries five hundred (500) Smartgun rounds that passes through friendlies by an IFF (Identify Friend/Foe) system.This one is a drum magazine that can be reloaded similar to standard issue firearms. Click on the smartgun with the Drum magazine. Once loaded in you'll be able to fire five hundred rounds (500) without stopping.

M44 Heavy Speed Loader

Holds seven (7) .44 rounds. Has lesser damage than the standard M44 Speed loader but gives a weakened stun and knock-back effect.

M44 Marksman Speed Loader

Holds seven (7) .44 rounds. Has better armor penetration with no damage fall off but lower overall damage.

M4A3 Hollow Point Magazine

Holds nine (9) 9mm pistol rounds. Has lower overall penetration but better damage.
M41AE2 holo magazine.png

M41AE2 Hollo Target Magazine

A semi-rectangular box of rounds for the M41AE2 Heavy Pulse Rifle. Holds two hundred (200) 10x24mm rounds.

Holo-targeting rounds apply a stack of 1% increased damage to the target from all sources, up to 10%. After 5 seconds of not being hit by a holo-targeting round, This effect starts wearing off. For more magazines you'll need to ask requisitions.

Restricted Firearm Ammunition: Description:
VP78 Magazine.png

VP 78 Pistol Magazine

Holds fourteen (14) 9mm squash-head pistol rounds.
SU6 Smart Pistol Magazine.png

SU-6 Smart Pistol Magazine

Holds fifteen (15) .45 pistol rounds. Has specially made bullets for IFF capabilities.

Incinerator Tank

Holds sixty (60) units worth of ultra thick napthal. This will set ablaze any and all targets hit
M41AE2 Magazine.png

M41AE2 Magazine

A semi-rectangular box of rounds for the M41AE2 Heavy Pulse Rifle. Holds three hundred (300) 10x24mm rounds.

Uses the same calibre bullets as standard M41A magazines, so can be refilled using bullets from standard M41A magazines or an ammo box.


M41A MK1 Magazine

A long rectangular box of rounds that is only compatible with the older M41A MK1. Holds up to 95 rounds plus 1 in the chamber. Uses the same armor piercing calibre as the new versions.
File:M56D Drum Magazine.png

M56D Drum Magazine

A box of 700(Seven Hundred), 10x28mm caseless tungsten rounds for the M56D heavy machine gun system.
File:M2C Ammunition Box.png

M2C Box Magazine

A box of 125, 10x28mm tungsten rounds for the M2 Heavy Machinegun System. Click the heavy machinegun while there's no ammo box loaded to reload the M2C.
File:XM51 magazine (16g).png

XM51 Magazine

A 16 gauge pump-action shotgun magazine for the XM51 breaching scattergun. Holds twelve(12) light breaching shells.

.458 SOCOM Rounds

Holds eight (8) 10x99mm Caseless Anti Materiel rounds. A box filled with handfuls of .458 SOCOM rounds, designed for use with the XM88 heavy rifle.

Ammunition boxes: Description:
File:Big Ammo Box 10mm.png

Rifle Ammunition Box (10x24mm)

These big ammo boxes are the life line of any conflict, making sure the soldiers always have ammo and can fight to the bitter end. Contains 600 rounds to be placed into a mag at any given interval. This Ammo box can be used to refill standard or extended M41A, M41AE2, M41A MK1 magazines, and M4RA magazines.
File:Big Ammo Box AP Rifle.png

Rifle Ammunition Box (10x24mm AP)

These big ammo boxes are the life line of any conflict, making sure the soldiers always have ammo and can fight to the bitter end. Contains 600 rounds to be placed into a mag at any given interval. This Ammo box can be used to refill M41A armor-piercing magazines, and M4RA armor-piercing magazines.
File:Big Ammo Box 9mm.png

SMG Ammunition Box (10x20mm)

These big ammo boxes are the life line of any conflict, making sure the soldiers always have ammo and can fight to the bitter end. Contains 600 rounds to be placed into a mag at any given interval. This Ammo box can only be used to refill standard or extended M39 magazines.
File:Big Ammo Box 9mm AP.png

SMG Ammunition Box (10x20mm AP)

These big ammo boxes are the life line of any conflict, making sure the soldiers always have ammo and can fight to the bitter end. Contains 600 rounds to be placed into a mag at any given interval. This Ammo box can only be used to refill standard or armor-piercing M39 magazines.
Magazine boxes: Description:
File:88Mod4 AP Magazine Box.png

Magazine Box (88 Mod 4 AP x 16)

Contains 16 magazines. A box for holding many magazines with a carrying handle, must be opened on the ground. This one contains magazines for the 88 Mod 4 Combat Pistol.
File:M39 Armor Piercing Magazine Box.png

Magazine Box (AP M39 x 12)

Contains 12 magazines. All mag boxes for the same type of Firearm can hold multiple differing types of magazines for said firearm. For example a M39 Armor Piercing magazine can be loaded into the standard M39 magazine box if a space is available.
File:M41A Armor Piercing Magazine Box.png

Magazine Box (AP M41A x 10)

Contains 10 armor piercing magazines. All mag boxes for the same type of Firearm can hold multiple differing types of magazines for said firearm. For example a M41A Armor Piercing magazine can be loaded into the standard M41A magazine box if a space is available.
File:M39 Extended Magazine Box.png

Magazine Box (Ext M39 x 10)

Contains 10 extended magazines. All mag boxes for the same type of Firearm can hold multiple differing types of magazines for said firearm. For example a M39 Armor Piercing magazine can be loaded into the standard M39 magazine box if a space is available.
File:M41A Extended Magazine Box.png

Magazine Box (Ext M41A x 8)

Contains 8 extended magazines. All mag boxes for the same type of Firearm can hold multiple differing types of magazines for said firearm. For example a M41A Armor Piercing magazine can be loaded into the standard M41A magazine box if a space is available.
File:M39 Magazine Box.png

Magazine Box (M39 x 12)

Contains 12 magazines. All mag boxes for the same type of Firearm can hold multiple differing types of magazines for said firearm. For example a M39 Armor Piercing magazine can be loaded into the standard M39 magazine box if a space is available.
File:M41A Magazine Box.png

Magazine Box (M41A x 10)

Contains 10 magazines. All mag boxes for the same type of Firearm can hold multiple differing types of magazines for said firearm. For example a M41A Armor Piercing magazine can be loaded into the standard M41A magazine box if a space is available.
File:M4A3 Magazine Box.png

Magazine Box (M4A3 x 16)

Contains 16 magazines. A box for holding many magazines with a carrying handle, must be opened on the ground. This one contains magazines for the M4A3 Pistol.
File:SU-6 Magazine Box.png

Magazine Box (SU-6 x 16)

Contains 16 magazines. A box for holding many magazines with a carrying handle, must be opened on the ground. This one contains magazines for the SU-6 Smart Pistol.
File:VP78 Magazine Box.png

Magazine Box (VP78 x 16)

Contains 16 magazines. A box for holding many magazines with a carrying handle, must be opened on the ground. This one contains magazines for the VP78 Pistol.
File:Buckshot Shell Box.png

Buckshot Shell Box X100

Contains 100 buckshot shells, 20 handfuls.
File:Breaching Shell Box.png

Light Breaching Shell Box X100

Contains 100, 16 gauge light breaching shells, 20 handfuls.
File:Flechette Shell Box.png

Flechette Shell Box X100

Contains 100 Flechette shells, 20 handfuls.
File:Slug Shell Box.png

Slug Shell Box X100

Contains 100 slug shells, 20 handfuls.
File:SpeedLoader Box.png

Magazine Box (M44 x 16)

Contains 16 speed loaders. A box for holding many speedloaders with a carrying handle, must be opened on the ground. This one contains speedloaders for the M44 Revolver.
File:Marksman SpeedLoader Box.png

Magazine Box (Marksman M44 x 16)

Contains 16 marksman speed loaders. A box for holding many speedloaders with a carrying handle, must be opened on the ground. This one contains speedloaders for the M44 Revolver.
File:Heavy SpeedLoader Box.png

Magazine Box (Heavy M44 x 16)

Contains 16 heavy speed loaders. A box for holding many speedloaders with a carrying handle, must be opened on the ground. This one contains speedloaders for the M44 Revolver.
Miscellaneous: Description:
USCM infantry backpack.png

Lightweight IMP backpack

The standard-issue backpack of the USCM. Designed to slug gear into the battlefield.

Has to be held in one hand to access items inside. Holds 7 normal size items.


USCM Combat Boots

Standard issue combat boots used by the USCM for combat situations.
M276 Pattern Ammo Load Rig.png

M276 Pattern Ammo Load Rig

The M276 is the standard load-bearing equipment of the USCM. It consists of a modular belt with various clips. This version is the standard variant designed for bulk ammunition-carrying operations. This holds 5 various magazines or handfuls of shotgun shells.
Shotgun belt.png

M276 Pattern Shotgun Shell Load Rig

This holds 14 handfuls of shells. It is one of the belt options of the ColMarTech Automated Closet.
USCM satchel.png

USCM Satchel

A heavy-duty satchel carried by most USCM soldiers.

It is standard gear for most of the USCM. Holds 5 normal size items.


USCM uniform

A standard-issue Marine uniform, only worn by USCM combat personnel. There are also variants of this uniform issued to other Marine personnel.
Armor: Description:
M3 Pattern Personal Armor.png

M3 Pattern Personal Armor

Стандартная броня, используемая USCM. Обеспечивает скромную защиту от пуль и атак в ближнем бою. В ней также есть наплечный фонарь направленного действия для ночного боя и HUD, позволяющий видеть их роль в морской пехоте. Более универсальная защита благодаря дополнительным 3 прорезям в броне.

"Дополнение": Броня "Донатора", хоть и выглядит уникальной, по сути, является изготовленной на заказ частью брони M3 с точки зрения защиты.


Броня вблизи = 20

Противопульная броня = 20

Броня от взрывов = 15

Внутренние повреждения брони = 20

Био-защита = 20

Замедление от брони = 0.55

Has multiple variants of the standard armor, mainly for decoration:

  • Padded
  • Padless
  • Ridged
  • Carrier
  • Skull
  • Smooth
M3 light armor.png

M3-L-Pattern Light Armor

Более легкая и компактная версия стандартной брони модели M3. Она жертвует защитой ради большей скорости. Лучше защищает от кислоты.

Броня вблизи = 15

Противопульная броня = 15

Броня от взрывов = 20

Внутренние повреждения брони= 10

Био-защита = 25

Замедление от брони = 0.35

M3 heavy armor.png

M3 EOD Pattern Heavy Armor

Являясь более тяжёлой версией стандартной брони модели M3, эта броня в первую очередь предназначена для защиты от баллистических, взрывных и внутренних повреждений, но её недостатком является увеличенный объем и, следовательно, сниженная скорость передвижения, а также небольшая дополнительная защита от стандартных ударов тупым предметом и отсутствие защиты от биологических угроз.
Дополнительная история:

Эта конфигурация легендарной брони была разработана во время Кантонской войны 2160 года между UPP и USCM - разработанная в ответ на потребность в более высокой защите для комтехов, назначенных в качестве EOD во время конфликта, она является вершиной защиты для обычного морского пехотинца. Плечи и наколенники были сильно расширены, что позволило прикрыть артерии на каждой конечности. Для этого костюма была разработана специальная подкладка из материала spall, и в то же время в бронежилете M70 была использована та же технология.


Броня вблизи = 25

Противопульная броня = 35

Броня от взрывов = 35

Внутренние повреждения брони = 25

Био-защита = 20

Замедление от брони = 0.75

M10 pattern marine helmet.png

M10 pattern marine helmet

Стандартный шлем, используемый в USCM. Обеспечивает скромную защиту от пуль и ударов в ближнем бою. Шлем M10 также имеет два внутренних отделения для хранения предметов карманного размера. В него также встроена камера, позволяющая командному составу наблюдать за действиями отряда с борта "Алмаера".

"Дополнение": Шлемы "Донатора", хотя и выглядят уникальным, по сути, являются изготовленными на заказ шлемами M10.


Броня вблизи = 20

Противопульная броня = 20

Броня от взрывов = 10

Внутренние повреждения брони = 20

Био-защита = 20

Gloves: Description:
File:Generic Gloves.png

Various Marine Combat Gloves

Various marine combat gloves


  • Marine Combat Gloves.
Radios: Description:
File:Generic Headset.png

Marine radio headset

Standard issue USCM headset which has an inbuilt HUD for the user that displays marine roles. Doesn't come with any encryption keys.

Various Encryption Keys

Various Encryption keys that allow you to have access to other departments or squads when inserted into a headset.


  • Alpha Squad radio encryption key.
  • Bravo Squad radio encryption key.
  • Charlie Squad radio encryption key.
  • Delta Squad radio encryption key.
  • Supply radio encryption key.
  • JTAC radio encryption key.
  • Engineering radio encryption key.

Masks: Description:

Gas Mask

Противогазы доступны в автоматизированных шкафах ColMarTech для всех морских пехотинцев. В любом случае, они не защищают голову.
Heat absorbent coif.png

Heat absorbent coif

A close-fitting cap that covers the top, back, and sides of the head. Can also be adjusted to cover the lower part of the face so it keeps the user warm in harsh conditions.

Автоматическая система поиска поставок

Корабль оснащен Автоматической Системой Поиска Припасов, которая время от времени помещает в лифт случайные ящики с припасами. Это может варьироваться от мешков с песком и боеприпасов до запасных минометных боеприпасов и крупнокалиберных пулеметов. Ящики появляются периодически, максимум 20 ящиков. Первые 5 раз вы вызываете лифт, там всегда будет 5 ящиков с различными припасами.

Поставка припасов

Отсек снабжения оснащен пятью заатмосферными пусковыми трубами, по одной на каждый отряд и вашей собственной, через которые можно быстро и эффективно доставлять припасы на планету. Их необходимо эксплуатировать, выполнив следующие действия:

  • Отряд должен передать координаты своему штабному офицеру с помощью бинокля Range Finders или тактического бинокля командира отделения.
  • Ящик с припасами загружается на стартовую площадку того же отряда в отсеке для снабжения.
  • Офицер запускает ящик через пусковые трубы, используя консоль наблюдения соответствующего отделения. При желании они могут отрегулировать смещение посадки.
  • Через некоторое время ящик приземлится на планету.

Альтернативно вы можете спустить припасы самостоятельно.

  • Отряд должен передать координаты Карго Технику через Range Finders или тактический бинокль командира отделения.
  • Ящик с припасами загружается на площадку снабжения Green E.
  • Вы должны запустить ящик через консоль доставки припасов с координатами.
  • Через некоторое время ящик приземлится на планету.
  • Затем начнется 5-минутное восстановление.

Ящики с припасами

Каждый раз, когда вы покупаете один и тот же ящик, его цена увеличивается на 8%.


Crate: Cost: Contents:
File:Gun Crate.png
Ящик с минометом M402 (Миномет x1, Рюкзак для минометных снарядов x1)
6000 долларов
File:Mortar Ammo Crate.png
Ящик с минометом M402 (6 ХЕ)
2000 долларов
File:Mortar Ammo Crate.png
Ящик с минометными боеприпасами M402 (x6 зажигательных)
2000 долларов
File:Mortar Ammo Crate.png
Ящик с боеприпасами для миномета M402 (6 флаеров/камер)
2000 долларов


Crate: Cost: Contents:
File:Supply Crate.png
Ящик МРЕ КМП США (x2)
1000 долларов
  • 2 коробки МРЕ
File:Fridge Crate.png
Ящик бульбы (x20)
1000 долларов
  • 20 картофелин
File:Fridge Crate.png
Ящик с помидорами (x20)
1000 долларов
  • 20 помидоров
File:Fridge Crate.png
Ящик с пшеницей (x20)
1000 долларов
  • 20 пшеницы

File:Fridge Crate.png
Ящик с мясом (x5)
1000 долларов
  • 5 мяса

File:Fridge Crate.png
Ящик для филе карпа (x5)
1000 долларов
  • 5 карпового филе
File:Fridge Crate.png
Ящик с приправами
1000 долларов
  • 1 бутылка Чолулы
  • 1 бутылка Горячего Красного Фрэнка
  • 1 бутылка табаско
  • 1 бутылка Шрирача
  • 1 сахар
  • 1 солонка
  • 1 универсальный фермент
  • 1 мельница для перца
File:Fridge Crate.png
Коробки пончиков (x5)
1000 долларов
  • 5 коробок с пончиками
Ящик с секретными ингредиентами
1000 долларов

Обратите внимание, что в этом ящике можно выбрать 6 предметов из следующих возможностей: Требуется, чтобы консоль снабжения имела доступ к черному рынку.

  • 1 пакет ферментов
  • 3 солонки
  • 3 мельницы для перца
  • 2 пакеты сахара
  • 5 картофелин
  • 1 пакетик мяты
  • 2 помидора
  • 2 моркови
  • 2 лимона
  • 2 апельсина
  • 2 лайма
  • 1 бутылка виски
  • 1 бутылка текилы
  • 1 бутылка рома
  • 3 бутылки вина
File:Fridge Crate.png
Ящик для готовой к употреблению пиццы (x3)
3000 долларов
  • 3 коробки с пиццей


Crate: Cost: Contents:
Motion Detector crate (x2)
4000 Dollars.
File:Supply Crate.png
Flare packs crate (x20)
4000 Dollars.
File:Supply Crate.png
Signal flare packs crate (x4)
6000 Dollars.
Fulton Recovery Device crate (x4)
2000 Dollars.
File:Supply Crate.png
M2 Night Vision Goggles Crate (x3)
6000 Dollars


Crate: Cost: Contents:
Explosives crate.png
Surplus explosives crate (claymore mine x5, M40 HIDP x2, M40 HEDP x2, M15 HE x2, M40 HEFA x2, M12 Blast x2)
4000 Dollars.
Explosives crate.png
Claymore mines crate (x10)
3000 Dollars.
Explosives crate.png
M15 high explosive grenades crate (x6)
4000 Dollars.
Explosives crate.png
Plastic explosives crate (x3)
2000 Dollars.
Explosives crate.png
Breaching Charge crate (x4)
4000 Dollars.
Explosives crate.png
M40 HPDP white phosphorus grenades crate (x6)
3000 Dollars.
Explosives crate.png
M40 HPDP white phosphorus grenades crate (x25)
10000 Dollars.
Explosives crate.png
M40 HEDP high explosive grenade box crate (x6)
3000 Dollars.
Explosives crate.png
M40 HEDP high explosive grenade box crate (x25)
10000 Dollars.
Explosives crate.png
M40 HEFA grenades crate (x6)
3000 Dollars.
Explosives crate.png
M40 HEFA fragmentation grenade box crate (x25)
10000 Dollars.
Explosives crate.png
M74 Airburst grenades crate (x6)
4000 Dollars.
Explosives crate.png
M74 Airburst grenade Munition fragmentation grenade box crate (x25)
10000 Dollars.
Explosives crate.png
M74 Airburst Grenade Munition incediary grenades crate (x6)
3000 Dollars.
Explosives crate.png
M74 Airburst Grenade Munition smoke grenades crate (x6)
3000 Dollars.
Explosives crate.png
M74 AGM-Hornet Grenade Crate (x6)
4000 Dollars.
Explosives crate.png
M74 AMG-S Star Shell Grenade Crate (x6)
4000 Dollars.
Explosives crate.png
M74 HIRR Baton Slug Crate (x6)
1000 Dollars.


Crate: Cost: Contents:
File:Supply Crate.png
Contraband crate
4000 Dollars.

Note that this crate chooses 5 items from a selection of the below possibilities:

  • Blood Tomato Seeds
  • Warlock's Velvet
  • Happy Pills, Pill bottle
  • Zoom Pills, Pill bottle


Обратите внимание, что все оружие начинается с уже загруженного в него магазина.

Crate: Cost: Contents:
File:Gun Crate.png
M41A MK1 Rifle Crate(x2 MK1, x2 Magazines)
4000 Dollars.
File:Gun Crate.png
SU-6 Smart Pistol Crate(x2)
3000 Dollars.
File:Gun Crate.png
MOU53 Break Action Shotgun Crate(x2)
4000 Dollars.
File:Gun Crate.png
XM88 Heavy Rifle Crate (XM88 x2)
4000 Dollars.
File:Gun Crate.png
M41AE2 HPR crate (HPR x2, HPR ammo boxes x2)
4000 Dollars.
File:Gun Crate.png
M56D Machine Gun Crate
6000 Dollars.
File:Gun Crate.png
M56 System System Package
10000 Dollars.
File:Flammable Crate.png
M240 Flamethrower crate (M240 x2)
6000 Dollars.
File:Gun Crate.png
M79 Grenade Launcher Crate (x2 Guncases)
4000 Dollars.
File:Gun Crate.png
M2C Heavy Machine Gun (x1)
6000 Dollars.
File:Gun Crate.png
VP-78 Hand Cannon Crate (x2)
3000 Dollars.
Large Crate.png
Black market firearms (x1)
4000 Dollars.

Note that this crate chooses 1 Weapon and it's corresponding ammo from the selection of the below possibilities:

Припасы для транспортных средств

Crate: Cost: Contents:
Ammo Crate.png
LTB Cannon Magazines (x6)
3000 Dollars.
  • 6 LTB Cannon Magazines
Ammo Crate.png
LTAA AP Minigun Magazines (x3)
3000 Dollars.
  • 3 LTAA AP Minigun Magazines
Ammo Crate.png
AC3-E autocannon magazines (x5)
3000 Dollars.
  • 5 ACE Autocannon magazines
Ammo Crate.png
DRG-N offensive flamer unit fuel tanks (x3)
3000 Dollars.
  • 3 DRG-N Fuel tanks
Ammo Crate.png
PARS-159 Boyars dualcannon magazines (x5)
3000 Dollars.
  • 5 PARS-159 Dualcannon IFF Magazine
Ammo Crate.png
M92T grenade launcher magazines (x5)
2000 Dollars.
  • 5 M92T grenade launcher magazines
Ammo Crate.png
Tank turret smoke screen magazines (x4)
2000 Dollars.
  • 3 Tank Turret Smoke Screen Magazines (Note discrepancy between listed and actual contents)
Ammo Crate.png
TOW launcher magazines (x3)
3000 Dollars.
  • 3 TOW launcher magazines
Ammo Crate.png
M56 Cupola Magazines (x2)
2000 Dollars.
  • 2 M56 Cupola Magazines
Ammo Crate.png
LZR-N flamer unit fuel tanks (x2)
3000 Dollars.
  • 2 LZR-N flamer unit fuel tanks
Ammo Crate.png
Bleihagel RE-RE700 frontal cannon magazines (x2)
2000 Dollars.
  • 2 RE-RE700 Frontal Cannon magazine
Ammo Crate.png
M-87 flare launcher magazines (x4)
2000 Dollars.
  • 4 M-87F Flare Launcher Magazines


Crate: Cost: Contents:
Red-dot sight attachment crate (x8)
3000 Dollars.
Railscope attachment crate (x2)
3000 Dollars.
Mini Railscope attachment crate (x2)
3000 Dollars.
Magnetic harness attachment crate (x6)
3000 Dollars.
Suppressor attachment crate (x8)
3000 Dollars.
Bayonet attachment crate (x8)
3000 Dollars.
Extended barrel attachment crate (x6)
3000 Dollars.
Compensator attachment crate (x6)
3000 Dollars.
Foregrip attachment crate (x8)
3000 Dollars.
Gyroscopic stabilizer attachment crate (x2)
3000 Dollars.
Bipod attachment crate (x6)
3000 Dollars.
Underbarrel shotgun attachment crate (x4)
3000 Dollars.
Underbarrel flamer attachment crate (x4)
3000 Dollars.
Burstfire assembly attachment crate (x2)
3000 Dollars.
Stock attachments crate (x3 each + 1 paratrooper stock)
6000 Dollars.
Revolver stock attachment crate (x4)
3000 Dollars.
Rifle stock attachment crate (x4)
3000 Dollars.
Shotgun stock attachment crate (x4)
3000 Dollars.
Submachinegun stock attachment crate (x4)
3000 Dollars.


Crate: Cost: Contents:
Ammo Crate.png
SMG ammo box crate (x600 rounds)
2000 Dollars.
Ammo Crate.png
SMG AP ammo box crate (x600 rounds)
4000 Dollars.
Ammo Crate.png
Rifle ammo box crate (x600 rounds)
2000 Dollars.
Ammo Crate.png
Rifle ammo box crate (x600 AP rounds)
4000 Dollars.
Ammo Crate.png
.458 SOCOM box crate
4000 Dollars.
Ammo Crate.png
Magazine Box (M4A3, 16x regular mags)
2000 Dollars.
Ammo Crate.png
Magazine Box (M4A3, 16x AP mags)
3000 Dollars.
Ammo Crate.png
Magazine Box (M4A3, 16x HP mags)
3000 Dollars.
Ammo Crate.png
Magazine Box (88 Mod 4 AP, 16x mags)
2000 Dollars.
Ammo Crate.png
Speed loader Box (M44, 16x)
2000 Dollars.
Ammo Crate.png
Speed loader Box (Marskman M44, 16x)
3000 Dollars.
Ammo Crate.png
Speed loader Box (Heavy M44, 16x)
4000 Dollars.
Ammo Crate.png
Magazine Box (12 x M39 Mags)
2000 Dollars.
Ammo Crate.png
Magazine Box (12 x M39 AP Mags)
4000 Dollars.
Ammo Crate.png
Magazine Box (10 x M41A Mags)
2000 Dollars.
Ammo Crate.png
Magazine Box (10 x M41A Ap Mags)
4000 Dollars.
Ammo Crate.png
Magazine Box (16 x M4RA Mags)
2000 Dollars.
Ammo Crate.png
Magazine Box (16 x M4RA AP Mags)
4000 Dollars.
Ammo Crate.png
Shell Box (100 x Slug Shells)
3000 Dollars.
Ammo Crate.png
Shell Box (100 x Buckshot Shells)
3000 Dollars.
Ammo Crate.png
Shell Box (100 x Flechette Shells)
3000 Dollars.
Ammo Crate.png
M56 smartgun drum crate (x2)
3000 Dollars.
Ammo Crate.png
UA 571-C sentry ammunition (x2)
4000 Dollars.
Ammo Crate.png
UA 42F sentry flamer ammunition (x2)
4000 Dollars.
Ammo Crate.png
UA 12G sentry shotgun ammunition (x2)
4000 Dollars.
File:Flammable Crate.png
M240 UT-Napthal Fuel (x4)
4000 Dollars.
File:Flammable Crate.png
M240 Napalm B-Gel (x4)
4000 Dollars.
File:Flammable Crate.png
M240 Fuel Crate (x2 normal, x2 B-Gel)
4000 Dollars.
Ammo Crate.png
Magazine Box (VP78, 16 x Mags)
4000 Dollars.
Ammo Crate.png
Magazine Box (SU-6, 16 x Mags)
4000 Dollars.
Ammo Crate.png
Magazine Box (10 x M39 Extended Mags)
3000 Dollars.
Ammo Crate.png
Magazine Box (8 x M41A Extended Mags)
3000 Dollars.
Ammo Crate.png
M41AE2 HPR Magazines crate (HPR ammo box x2)
2000 Dollars.
Ammo Crate.png
M41AE2 HPR Holo-Target Magazines crate (HPR HT ammo box x2)
3000 Dollars.
Ammo Crate.png
M56 smartgun powerpack crate (x2)
3000 Dollars.
Ammo Crate.png
Surplus ammo crate (x10)
6000 Dollars.

Note that this crate chooses 10 items from a selection of the below possibilities:

1 M41A Magazine | 1 M41A Extended Magazine | 1 M41A Armor Piercing Magazine | 1 M41A MK1 Magazine | 1 A19 High Velocity Magazine | 1 M41AE2 Ammo Box

1 M4A3 Magazine | 1 M4A3 Extended Magazine | 1 M4A3 Armor Piercing Magazine | 1 M4A3 Hollow Point Magazine | 1 M4A3 Incendiary Magazine | 1 M4A3 Magazine .45

1 M39 Magazine | 1 M39 Extended Magazine | 1 M39 Armor Piercing Magazine

1 M44 Speed Loader | 1 M44 Marksman Speed Loader | 1 M44 PW-MX speed Loader

1 Box of Slug Shells | 1 Box of Buckshot Shells | 1 Box of Incendiary Slug Shells

Боеприпасы для оружия специалиста

Crate: Cost: Contents:
Explosives crate.png
M5 RPG rockets crate (HE x1, AP x1, WP x1)
3000 Dollars.
Explosives crate.png
M5 RPG HE rockets crate (x3)
3000 Dollars.
Explosives crate.png
M5 RPG AP rockets crate (x3)
3000 Dollars.
Explosives crate.png
M5 RPG WP rockets crate (x3)
3000 Dollars.
Ammo Crate.png
M42A mixed magazines crate (marksman x2, flak x2, incendiary x2)
4000 Dollars.
Ammo Crate.png
M42A sniper magazines crate (x5)
3000 Dollars.
Ammo Crate.png
M42A sniper flak magazines crate (x5)
3000 Dollars.
Ammo Crate.png
M42A sniper incendiary magazines crate (x5)
3000 Dollars.
Ammo Crate.png
M4RA scout mixed magazines crate (regular x2, incendiary x2, impact x2)
4000 Dollars.
Ammo Crate.png
M4RA A19 high velocity magazines crate (x5)
4000 Dollars.
Ammo Crate.png
M4RA A19 high velocity incendiary magazines crate (x5)
4000 Dollars.
Ammo Crate.png
M4RA A19 high velocity impact magazines crate (x5)
5000 Dollars.
Ammo Crate.png
M240-T fuel crate (extended x1, A Gel x1, type-B x1, type-X x1)
6000 Dollars.
File:Flammable Crate.png
M240-T fuel crate (extended x3)
3000 Dollars.
File:Flammable Crate.png
M240-T fuel crate (type-B x1)
3000 Dollars.
File:Flammable Crate.png
M240-T fuel crate (type-X x1)
4000 Dollars.

Ограниченное оборудование

Crate: Cost: Contents:
B12 pattern armor crate (x1 helmet, x1 armor)
2000 Dollars.
M4 pattern marine armor crate (x1 helmet, x1 armor)
2000 Dollars.


Crate: Cost: Contents:
Officer outfit closet
3000 Dollars.
Webbing Crate(x4)
2000 Dollars.
Brown and Black Webbing Crate(x2 of Each)
2000 Dollars.
Drop Pocuh Crate (x4)
2000 Dollars.
Knife Vest Crate (x3)
3000 Dollars.
Medical pouches crate (1x firstaid, medical, syringe, medkit)
2000 Dollars.
Large pouches crate (2x Pistol, Magazine, General)
2000 Dollars.


Crate: Cost: Contents:
Medical Crate.png
Medical crate
2000 Dollars.
Medical Crate.png
First aid kit crate (2x each)
2000 Dollars.
Medical Crate.png
Body bag crate (x28)
2000 Dollars.
  • 5 Boxes of Body Bags
Medical Crate.png
Stasis bag crate (x3)
4000 Dollars.
File:Surgery Crate.png
Surgery crate (x2 surgical trays)
3000 Dollars.
  • 2 Surgery Trays, each containing a set of surgical tools.


Crate: Cost: Contents:
Flashlights (x8)
1000 Dollars.
  • A crate containing a placable box that holds eight flashlights
High-Capacity Power Cells (x8)
1000 Dollars.
  • A crate containing a placable box that holds eight High-Capacity Power Cells
Empty sandbags crate (x50)
2000 Dollars.
  • A stack of 50 empty sandbags.
File:Supply Crate.png
Metal sheets (x50)
2000 Dollars.
  • 50 Metal Sheets
File:Supply Crate.png
Plasteel sheets (x40)
3000 Dollars.
  • 40 Plasteel Sheets
File:Supply Crate.png
Glass sheets (x50)
2000 Dollars.
  • 50 Glass Sheets
File:Supply Crate.png
Wooden planks (x50)
2000 Dollars.
  • 50 Wooden Planks
Folding Barricades (x3)
2000 Dollars.
  • 3 Folding Barricades
File:Construction Crate.png
Superconducting magnetic coil crate (x1)
3000 Dollars.
  • 1 Superconducting Magnetic Coil
File:Construction Crate.png
Electrical maintenance crate (toolbox x2, insulated x2, cell x2, hi-cap cell x2)
2000 Dollars.
  • 2 Electrical Toolboxes
  • 2 Insulated Gloves
  • 2 Power Cells
  • 2 High-Capacity Power Cells
File:Construction Crate.png
Mechanical maintenance crate (utility belt x3, hazard vest x3, welding helmet x2, hard hat x1)
2000 Dollars.
  • 3 Hazard Vests
  • 2 Welding Helmets
  • 1 Hard Hat
File:Construction Crate.png
Inflatable barriers (x9 doors, x12 walls)
2000 Dollars.
  • 3 Inflatable Barrier Boxes
File:Construction Crate.png
Replacement lights (x42 tube, x21 bulb)
2000 Dollars.
  • 3 Boxes of Replacement Lights
File:Secure Crate.png
P.A.C.M.A.N. portable generator parts
3000 Dollars.
  • 1 Micro-Laser
  • 1 Capacitor
  • 1 Matter Bin
  • 1 Circuit Board (PACMAN-type Generator)
File:Secure Crate.png
Super P.A.C.M.A.N. portable generator parts
4000 Dollars.
  • 1 Micro-Laser
  • 1 Capacitor
  • 1 Matter Bin
  • 1 Circuit Board (SUPERPACMAN-type Generator)


Crate: Cost: Contents:
File:Secure Crate.png
Assembly crate
2000 Dollars.
  • 5 Igniters
  • 5 Proximity Sensors
  • 5 Timers
File:Secure Crate.png
Pyrotechnics crate
1000 Dollars.
  • 180 units of sulfuric acid in beakers
  • 180 units of ethanol in beakers
  • 360 units of phosphorus in beakers
  • 240 units of lithium in beakers
  • 240 units of salt in beakers
  • 240 units of potassium chloride in beakers
File:Secure Crate.png
Phoron crate
3000 Dollars.
  • 60 sheets of Solid Phoron
File:Secure Crate.png
Plastics crate
2000 Dollars.
  • 20 sheets of Plastic
File:Secure Crate.png
Precious Metals crate
2000 Dollars.
  • 5 sheets of gold
  • 10 sheets of silver
  • 10 sheets of uranium
File:Secure Crate.png
Explosive Production crate
2000 Dollars.
  • 2 hydrogen canisters
  • 2 ammonia canisters
  • 2 methane canisters
  • 2 oxygen canisters
  • 2 polytrinic acid canisters
File:WY Secure Crate.png
Xenomorph IFF Tag Case(x7 tags)
6000 Dollars.
  • Case that has x7 IFF Tags to put on Xenomorphs


Crate: Cost: Contents:
Oxygen internals crate (x3 masks, x3 tanks)
2000 Dollars.
  • 3 Gas Masks
  • 3 Oxygen Tanks
Emergency equipment (x2 toolbox, x2 hazard vest, x5 oxygen tank, x5 masks)
2000 Dollars.
  • 2 Emergency Toolboxes
  • 2 Hazard Vests
  • 5 Emergency Oxygen Tanks
  • 5 Gas Masks
File:Supply Crate.png
Empty boxes (x10)
1000 Dollars.
  • 10 Empty Boxes
File:Supply Crate.png
Assorted janitorial supplies
1000 Dollars.
  • 3 Buckets
  • 1 Mop
  • 3 Caution Signs
  • 1 Rubbish Bag
  • 1 Spray Bottle
  • 1 Rag
  • 3 Cleaner Grenades
  • 1 Mop Bucket
Posters crate (x5)
1000 Dollars.
  • 5 random posters
File:Supply Crate.png
Boxes of crayons
2000 Dollars.
  • 5 Crayon Boxes
File:Supply Crate.png
Assorted Presents
2000 Dollars.
  • 5 Gifts
File:Supply Crate.png
Wrapping Supplies
2000 Dollars.
  • 3 Wrapping Paper
  • 2 Wire cutters

Резервуары с реагентами

Crate: Cost: Contents:
Large Crate.png
Fuel Tank Crate (x1)
2000 Dollars.
  • 1 Fuel Tank

Черный рынок

В консоли ASRS находится система черного рынка, наполненная различными товарами, начиная от сомнительных излишков и заканчивая незаконной контрабандой, которая может поставить вас в тупик. Система черного рынка не использует те же деньги, что и бюджет ASRS, вместо этого используются свои собственные уникальные доллары В-Ю. Цена приобретаемых вами товаров не будет увеличиваться в цене в отличие от обычных товаров ASRS.

Чтобы получить доступ к ящикам черного рынка, вам нужно позвать инженера. Используйте отвертку, лом, кусачки, отвертку, лом, чтобы вытащить плату консоли питания, затем используйте модифицированный Tuner безопасного доступа на плате, поместите схему назад, отверткой, используйте катушку кабеля, используйте стекло и снова используйте отвертку, чтобы завершить работу. Поздравляем, у вас есть доступ к черному рынку. Однако ни RO, ни CT не имеют возможности сделать это, поскольку не обладают достаточно высокими инженерными навыками.

Денежный баланс черного рынка не восстанавливается со временем, как бюджет ASRS. Вместо этого вам придется отправлять различные товары на лифте, чтобы увеличить бюджет, который у вас есть для черного рынка. Первое, что вам захочется купить, — это подозрительный сканер, он стоит ровно столько, с каким вы начинаете. Сканер позволит вам проверить, сколько все, что вы с его помощью сканируете, стоит на черном рынке. Как только вы найдете что-то ценное, отправьте это на лифте, и ваши средства на Черном рынке увеличатся.

Изъятые предметы

Crate: Cost: Contents:
File:Trash Cart.png
Black Market Scanner Crate
5 W-Y Dollars
  • 1 Suspicious Device
Large Crate.png
Seized Foreign Equipment
70 W-Y Dollars.

Note that this crate chooses a single set from a selection of the below possibilities:

  • 1 Red Cap | 1 Pizza Uniform
Large Crate.png
Seized Foreign Weaponry
45 W-Y Dollars.

Note that this crate chooses two sets from a selection of the below possibilities:

Large Crate.png
M16 Rifle crate (x4 magazines included)
40 W-Y Dollars.
Large Crate.png
AR10 Rifle crate (x5 magazines included)
35 W-Y Dollars.
Large Crate.png
MAR-30 Battle Carbine crate (x5 magazines included)
30 W-Y Dollars.
Large Crate.png
Basira-Armstrong bolt-action hunting rifle crate (x5 magazines included)
5 W-Y Dollars.
Large Crate.png
Sawn-off Spearhead Rival 78 crate (x1 ammo box included)
45 W-Y Dollars.
Large Crate.png
Custom-Built Shotgun crate (x1 ammo box included)
50 W-Y Dollars.
Large Crate.png
FN FP9000 submachinegun crate (x5 magazines included)
25 W-Y Dollars.
Large Crate.png
MP-27 submachinegun crate (x5 magazines included)
20 W-Y Dollars.
Large Crate.png
MP5 submachinegun crate (x5 magazines included)
25 W-Y Dollars.
Large Crate.png
UZI submachinegun crate (x5 magazines included)
10 W-Y Dollars.
Large Crate.png
MAC-15 submachinegun crate (x5 magazines included)
5 W-Y Dollars.
Large Crate.png
PPSh-17b submachinegun crate (x5 magazines included)
15 W-Y Dollars.
Large Crate.png
Beretta pistol crate (x6 magazines included)
10 W-Y Dollars.
Large Crate.png
Desert Eagle crate (x4 magazines included)
45 W-Y Dollars.
Large Crate.png
Korovin PK-9 pistol crate (x6 magazines included)
5 W-Y Dollars.
Large Crate.png
KT-42 Automag pistol crate (x5 magazines included)
15 W-Y Dollars.
Large Crate.png
Holdout pistol crate (x7 magazines included)
5 W-Y Dollars.
Large Crate.png
CZ-81 machine pistol crate (x4 magazines included)
15 W-Y Dollars.
Large Crate.png
CMB Spearhead revolver crate (x5 magazines included)
20 W-Y Dollars.
Large Crate.png
S&W revolver crate (x6 magazines included)
15 W-Y Dollars.
Large Crate.png
N-Y 7.6mm revolver crate (x6 magazines included)
10 W-Y Dollars.
Large Crate.png
R4T hunting rifle crate (x3 ammo boxes included)
75 W-Y Dollars.

Корабельная контрабанда

Crate: Cost: Contents:
Large Crate.png
Confiscated alcohol crate
35 W-Y Dollars.
  • 5 Random alcoholic drinks from the alcohol vendors that can be found groundside
Large Crate.png
Confiscated medicinal supplies crate
25 W-Y Dollars.
  • 5 Random drugs, including pill bottles of happy pills, russian red, and Jugs of Hippie water
Large Crate.png
Confiscated medicinal supplies crate
25 W-Y Dollars.
  • 5 Random drugs, including pill bottles of happy pills, russian red, and Jugs of Hippie water
Large Crate.png
Confiscated cuisine supplies crate
15 W-Y Dollars.
  • 5 Random Prepared Food items, including Stew, UPP Rations, and Animal Cubes
Large Crate.png
Confiscated nicotime items crate
45 W-Y Dollars.
  • 2 Random Cigar or Cigarette packs
Large Crate.png
Confiscated miscellaneous items crate
30 W-Y Dollars.
  • 5 Random fun objects including maintence jacks, Language Phamplets, and Powerloader Phamplets

Избыточное оборудование

Crate: Cost: Contents:
Large Crate.png
Surplus USCM ponchos crate
15 W-Y Dollars.
  • 2 Imaginary USCM Ponchos
  • 1 Dissapointment
Large Crate.png
Surplus high-explosive armor-piercing M41A Magazine crate (x3)
40 W-Y Dollars.
Large Crate.png
Surplus riot control equipment crate
55 W-Y Dollars.

Note that this crate chooses three items from the following list:

Large Crate.png
Surplus non lethal ammunition crate
50 W-Y Dollars.

Note that this crate chooses two items from the following list:

  • 1 Box of Beanbag Slugs
  • 1 M41A Rubber Magazine
  • 1 M4RA Rubber Magazine
  • 1 M39 Rubber Magazine
  • 1 M4A3 Rubber Magazine
  • 1 88M4 Rubber Magazine
Large Crate.png
Surplus magazine box (Ext M4RA x12)
45 W-Y Dollars.
Large Crate.png
Surplus MK 45 automagnum case
35 W-Y Dollars.
Large Crate.png
Surplus NSG-23 assault rifle case
45 W-Y Dollars.
Large Crate.png
Surplus M37-17 pump shotgun case
80 W-Y Dollars.
Large Crate.png
Surplus M1911 service pistol case
10 W-Y Dollars.
Large Crate.png
Surplus SOCOM M1911 service pistol case
15 W-Y Dollars.

Глубокое хранение

Crate: Cost: Contents:
Large Crate.png
Various Decorative Items crate
5 W-Y Dollars.

Note that this list is a consalidated list of decorative items in this price range, you may buy a single item at this range:

  • 1 Tickets to Space Jam
  • 1 Frozen Lime
Large Crate.png
More Various Decorative Items crate
10 W-Y Dollars.

Note that this list is a consalidated list of decorative items in this price range, you may buy a single item at this range:

  • 1 Broken Night Vision Goggles
  • 1 10x99 XM42B Casing
  • 1 Trimmed Barbed Wire
  • 1 Lucky Feather
  • 1 Rosary
  • 1 Rabbit's Foot
  • 1 Tactical Mask
  • 1 Skull Balaclava
  • 1 Skull Facepaint
  • 1 Aviator Shades
  • 1 Ballistic Goggles
  • 1 USCM Bandana
  • 1 USCM Earpiece
  • 1 USCM Headband
  • 1 USCM Boonie Hat
  • 1 PDT/L Kit
  • 1 Uno Reverse Card
  • 1 Jungle Pattern Combat Boots
  • 1 Type 80 Bayonet Replica
  • 1 M8 Cartridge Bayonet Kit
Large Crate.png
BiMex Personal Shades crate
15 W-Y Dollars.
  • 1 BiMex Personal Shades
Large Crate.png
D18 Holdout pistol crate
10 W-Y Dollars.
Large Crate.png
M4A3 custom pistol crate
35 W-Y Dollars.
Large Crate.png
M44 custom revolver crate
70 W-Y Dollars.


Crate: Cost: Contents:
Large Crate.png
Secured Wildlife Container
45 W-Y Dollars.
  • 1 Random Animal
Large Crate.png
Potted Plant Crate
50 W-Y Dollars.
  • 1 Potted Plant
Large Crate.png
Cargo Tug crate
50 W-Y Dollars.
  • 1 Cargo Tug with Tugs
Large Crate.png
unmarked CLF supply crate
50 W-Y Dollars.
  • 1 Surprise CLF Gift