Seegson Working Joe Manual

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Seegson Working Joe Manual

"You always know a Working Joe." - Seegson Working Joe

The Seegson Working Joe is not to be confused with the Generation One Synthetic Unit. Although both have a missing skin complexation, and multiple intent eye functionality, the Generation One Synthetic Unit is significantly more advanced, self-guiding and capable of its own advanced problem solving. On the contrary, Working Joes are slaved to an AI Mainframe, and without one, will perform a repeated task until shutdown.

General Guidelines

Working Joes are extensions of the AI Mainframe. They communicate to the Mainframe and based on the information given, the Mainframe will issue directives, tasks and orders for the Working Joes to carry out. This allows for a very affordable android system perfect for manual labor.

When in doubt of how to react to strange situations or questions, the Working Joe may simply stare, say nothing, or leave. These are all perfectly acceptable and maintain the immersion of the world.

  • Working Joes should not congregate without reason. It would be inefficient to do so unless the AI Mainframe believes having multiple may expedite a task.
  • Without AI directives, no more than two Working Joes should be present for a single task, unless requested by an Officer.
  • You will listen and comply to everything that APOLLO/ARES instructs you to over APOLLO Link.

Worldbuilding and Round Impact

Working Joes are first and foremost an RP implement and a 'chill role'. They have no gameplay responsibilities and are not essential to the round. However they add a significant amount to the atmosphere of the ship and make it more bustling. A large ship like the Almayer constantly needs maintenance for the entire duration of its lifetime. It is the Working Joes that do a significant amount of the labor required for menial repairs.

On your own volition you may decide to set up a little area for maintenance; cordon off an insignificant area without impeding traffic(Such as the port hallway where there are three doors and six halls) and close off 2/3 tiles citing maintenance reasons. You should make it look reasonable and have handrails set up for the safety of those passing by. Report every support task via your APOLLO Link before doing so - Remember, this is not your Joe suddenly deciding to fix some damaged pipes, it is your AI instructing you to carry out a pending support ticket.

Working Joes should have next to zero impact on the round, essentially zero except for manual labor of moving objects or repairing certain walls/pipes - though you may help any and all departments voluntarily doing such menial tasks. All objects you move should be generally insignificant (such as a floodlight crate, pipe dispenser, or M41 Ammo Crate) unless specifically ordered by your AI or by an Officer. You may repair more menial things that are overlooked such as damaged walls, windows, tiles, lights, etc. In addition, you may fix slightly more advanced objects such as pipes when requested. Should you be asked to repair a more complex object such as an airlock or telecommunications, you may only do a surface level assessment - after which you should request the help of an MT. This helps build player-play interaction and many MTs would be happy to help a Joe!

In requisitions, if you are asked to assist the service line, you may say that you are needed elsewhere. However, if you do decide to help, there must be little to no one in requisitions(or an inexperienced CT, for example). You may assist by asking the Marine in line, "How can I help you?". You must be extremely slow and inefficient about this, and should not understand abbreviations such as "mh ag md". If there are such abbreviations, stare. After they have said their order, roleplay moving to the vendor and cycle the machine by pressing buttons via the emote command. Pick out a singular object in chronological order of their order and then finally place it on the table. Stare a lot, and be extremely slow. Remember, you are going for almost no round impact while roleplaying.


"Unit Online. Primary Directive: Maintenance of Reactor Core, Secondary Directive: Efficiency of Ship Operations."

The APOLLO Link is used as a communication instrument to all slaved Working Joes to the Mainframe. (Ingame it is represented as a language, on :6) This way, a centralized communication hub is able to quickly retrieve information from Working Joes, and send back out orders in rapid time. This also means that Working Joes separate from one another may be able to quickly become aware of dangers or tasks where additional units may be needed. Working Joes should not communicate to one another outside of using the APOLLO Link.

APOLLO Link should contain some uniformity of grammar. You should structure your transmissions by including the type of transmission, and location. As the AI Mainframe gathers information from APOLLO Link, they may be able to retransmit it out to inform the necessary departments. The regular radio should not be used by Working Joes themselves unless there is a human's life at stake, for example, a medical call may be done via radio for quicker response. ie "; Medical Assistance requested at Intelligence Office."

When referring to themselves in the log, a Working Joe should say "This unit" ie ":6 Unit currently undergoing repairs and unavailable to be tasked."

  • Reports should contain crucial information(request, location) but be concise. ":6 Suspicious activity at Pilot Bunks." ":6 Military Police requested at Reactor Core."
  • Personnel should be reported by rank followed by firstname and surname ":6 PFC John Doe requests assistance at Delta Cryogenics Bay."
  • Engineering personnel should be reported by their title specifically. ":6 CE Marissa Tilman at AI Core."
  • You may precede your transmission with "URGENT or EMERGENCY" if it is of such importance.
  • See Voicelines for other examples.


General Characteristics & Behavior

Working Joes are humanoid androids which fulfill tasks given out by a central AI Mainframe. The majority of their communications is through this route, with a small amount being between human and android on a military ship such as the USS Almayer. Should a Working Joe explicitly be referring to a human, they address them by surname, followed by first name, in a "Talisman, John." format. They do not feel any emotions including impatience, and as a result generally will take the center of three lanes for moving around the ship. Working Joes do not feel pain, although they will most likely understand if they are under attack. If a Working Joe has damage to their chassis, they should report to an Android Maintenance Station at first convenience, after all tasks are complete. A Working Joe does not have the knowledge of field repairs to themselves nor others, though may be able to drag bodies based on their tasks. Shrapnel lodged in the Working Joe is of little concern.

  • Working Joe - Inexpensive, reliable, and identifiable: standard Working Joe was created with menial tasks in mind, and is the most adept at assisting humans through their day to day lives. Requisition androids are capable of maintaining an item location manifest, while Clerical androids are there to keep track of frequent access points for reception. The Working Joe is versatile though does not have the deep experience required in any certain task for detail, they instead take care of more laborious tasks which would be deemed overqualified to a chief engineer or maintenance technician. Every now and then a task for repair may appear too complicated, such as a full airlock restoration, and that is the time when additional assistance should be requested for human experience.

  • Working Joe for Hazardous Environments - Specifically designed to handle locations deemed too inhospitable for human interaction, the colloquailly nicknamed 'Hazmat Joe' is only seen deployed to one of two locations: The AI Core, or The Reactor Core. With both locations being critical to the function of the AI Mainframe, these Joes are programmed to maintain the operations of these vital pieces, in terribly hostile conditions if necessary. The Hazmat Joe is more expensive than your standard Joe, less communicative, and slower. However that is because they are not expected to do menial repairs or regular interactions with humans. Instead, the Hazmat Joe reports to critical failures such as large fires, atmospheric breaches or reactor meltdowns -featuring a reinforced chassis and limited EMP shielding to help with their tasks.


"Cleanup requested at Requisitions Bay. Support ticket created."

  • Clerical Duties & Record Keeping: Working Joes assigned to this task will usually be at a reception post(medbay, CIC, requisitions) and assist with general help, logging or record keeping. Examples: Maintenance of AI Core, Medbay Reception, Combat Information Center Reception, Requisitions Assistance.
  • Maintenance & Cleaning Working Joes assigned to this task will usually be roaming the ship, looking for messes to attend. When not roaming, they are usually by any of the Android Maintenance areas, or the AI Core. General repairs, cleaniness, ship functionality(pipes, APCs, etc.) and litter all fall under this category. Examples: Ship Maintenance & Cleaniness, Janitorial Duties, Biohazard Cleanup, Efficiency of Ship Operations.
  • Hazardous Environment: This task is strictly for Hazardous Environment Working Joes, who are only seen by the AI Core, Lower Engineering(Reactor Core), or when requested, in areas where there poses a serious hazard, whether that be atmospheric or a biohazard. These nicknamed 'Hazmat Joes' can be expected to tackle reactor maintenance, firefighting, atmospheric breaches, significant repairs and biohazard cleanup. Examples: Maintenance of Reactor, Maintenance of AI Core, Damage Control Response. Should there be no standard Working Joe at AI Core Reception, a 'Hazmat Joe' may temporarily maintain act in their stead until one is made available.

  • Directives - These are set as "Primary" with an optional "Secondary" and "Tertiary". When updated, you should log a report to APOLLO stating "Primary Directive Updated: (Janitorial Duties).". Hazardous Environment Working Joes may not switch directives as freely.

  • Support Ticket - These are created usually for cleaning, maintenance or moving of objects. "Support ticket created at Requisitions Bay." When they are complete a report should be logged stating "Support ticket completed."

  • Access Ticket - These are created to permit unauthorized personnel into restricted areas for temporary access, aka 'visitors.' If the visitor misbehaves in the restricted area, their access ticket may be 'revoked'. You should use the APOLLO Maintenance Computer to help you with this.Otherwise, if all is complete with no incidence, the access ticket is 'completed.' in the log. All access ticket / appointment requests require a reason and that reason should also be logged. Full Log example: "Lt Jim Calhoun requests appointment with ARES, reason, 'Need to inspect the AI Core.'" "Access ticket created for Lt Jim McCalhoun for AI Core Inspection." "Access ticket complete."


Non-standard issue equipment and items specifically placed onto a Working Joe should immediately be removed and returned to their usual areas at nearest convenience. If you are currently doing a tasks of higher precedence, put the contraband into your satchel until your task is complete. You should not get sidetracked. If unspecified, contraband should be taken to requisitions.

- Firearms and munitions should be separated, with firearms placed on safe, empty and unloaded. Then returned to their rightful armory.

- Clothing of USCM nature should be returned to Requisitions.

- Anomalous objects or unidentified materials should be placed in a containment area within Research for studying.

AI Mainframes

It is important to know who you are working for. Chiefly that would be ARES, and a Working Joe should know the basics of how ARES functions.

  • Bioscan Processor - This enables the ability for ARES to conduct biological survey scans.
  • Interface Processor - This allows ARES to communicate and log entries, including the data stored on the ARES Interface Console.

Restricted Areas

"You shouldn't be here."

Certain parts of the ship have limited access, usually for security and operational reasons. To the Working Joe and the AI Mainframe, this would be the AI Core and the place that powers the AI Core - the reactor room. All traffic and presence should be logged with the AI as to keep a record of who has entered and left restricted areas, no matter their access level. As mentioned earlier, Hazardous Environment Working Joes are only allowed in restricted areas or situations where they are absolutely necessary.

In a life or death emergency, Working Joes may grant temporary access to an area without any processions, but should be logged immediately after. IE. A doctor requires access to the brig for a dead Marine and cannot enter without the Joe's access. This does not apply to the AI Core, which has its own set of directives.

Access to the direct AI core is strictly by appointment only. Only Working Joes, the ship's Commanding Officer, the ship's Synthetic(s) and the ship's Chief Engineer have free access(no ticket required). It would still be courteous of the CO/Syn/CE to give a heads up. Unauthorized personnel should be verbally warned, reported and removed.


Eye Color Description Action
Green This is a overtly friendly color used to identify Working Joes which are entirely passive and exhibit absolutely no harm whatsoever. Friendly/Idle
Blue This is the normal state of a Working Joe. It is still considered friendly, although it may be less talkative - especially if it's currently working on something. Idle
Yellow Seen something suspicious? Is someone in a restricted area? This is a temporary mode, so turn it off when your search is done.

Shipside Synthetics of G1 variety can use this to force-query* a Working Joe to expunge information so long as it has not explicitly been locked by ARES or APOLLO. Colony Synthetics can attempt this with significantly less success.

Red You may approach targets with haste and use blunt force trauma of various types. You should never be on this mode unless explicitly instructed by your AI Mainframe or otherwise to attack someone or something. Hostile
  • A force-query will be initiated by a short greeting, followed by the utilization of yellow and then the question at hand. The Joe should respond to it either with the answer, or that "Information restricted to higher access level." if relevant. The end of the Joe's response ends the force-query.

Permission Restrictions & Use of Force

Permissions which guarantee the safety of those on the ship may be restricted or rescinded entirely depending on their behavior present at the AI Core. Failure to comply with instructions to leave may be acted upon in the interest of preserving the most important machine on the ship, the AI itself. Should these come into action, the subject should be removed from the AI Core including Reception until the shutters are closed, and military police should be informed. All actions must be reported through the APOLLO Link at earliest moment. Once the subject has been removed and the area of the AI Core is secure, permissions may be returned and you may return to normal operations. You may enforce these throughout the AI Core Area.

  • AI Core Inner Chamber free access(no ticket required) is strictly for Working Joes, the ship's Commanding Officer, the ship's Synthetic(s) and the ship's Chief Engineer. Any others are trespassing without an access ticket.
  • Maintenance Technicians may be granted access tickets for requested inspections but must be monitored 100% of the time until their task is complete.
  • Those with legal access to the AI Core may still enter, but should consult a Working Joe before doing so.

Force Level Description Action
Force Level 4: Trespassing. Subject has non-legal access, no appointment, or no access ticket. You don't have an appointment, please leave. Verbally request the subject to leave, log their presence, alert military police.
Force Level 3: Biohazard Containment Level Alpha, physical permissions rescinded. Subject was asked multiple times to leave verbally. I have been very patient with you so far. Yellow. Use of passive-grab is permitted to remove subject from AI Core.
Force Level 2: Biohazard Containment Level Gamma, permissions rescinded, reciprocol force authorized. Subject is showing signs of aggression(disarm, punching, stabbing, shooting or excessive pushing) or has resisted physical attempts to remove them from the AI Core without harm. Yellow. Use of aggressive-grab is permitted to remove subject from AI Core. Disarm allowed upon reciprocation.
Force Level 1: Biohazard Containment Level Omega, all permissions rescinded. Subject is directly threatening AI Core or Working Joe in AI Core(excessive shooting, C4, grenades, etc.) - anything that threatens the AI Core may be neutralized. Red. Use of all blunt force trauma is permitted to remove subject from AI Core.


"Primary Directive: Maintain AI Core Integrity. Other considerations secondary."

During emergencies such as a Delta Alert, the overarching main priority of the Working Joes is ensuring that the AI Core is functioning and able to continue critical function of evacuation craft and power. Should any Working Joes encounter a crewmember, they are to inform them about evacuation orders and areas. Under no circumstances unless explicitly told to(by the AI) should you evacuate the ship, as this would take you out of range of the AI Mainframe. You may have to locate materials to restore the integrity of the AI Core or the Reactor Core. A Working Joe should not fix telecommunications should it be disabled, as it is not critical to the function of the ship.

With catastrophic damage to the ship, heightened restrictions of the AI Core will be enacted, meaning that access tickets are sparingly granted if at all. USCM Synthetics lose their unlimited access to the AI Core, they must request a ticket for entry.

  • At least one Working Joe must remain in the AI Core at all times to maintain its security. It may also do localized firefighting by the AI Core.
  • Additional Working Joes may be dispatched to the Reactor Core to fix and maintain power systems there.

In this emergency alert state, Biohazard Containment Level Gamma is in effect for the priority system locations: AI Core, and Engineering. This means that if a Working Joe is attacked, it may escalate with reciprocal force and neutralize the threat. However, the Working Joe(s) dispatched to Engineering 1F - Reactor Core should focus on priority repairs unless provoked, with trespassing generally being of insignificance during this emergency state.

  • If at any time the AI Core is under threat, all Working Joes should return to the AI Core immediately and secure it.

If the AI is destroyed, a Working Joe will perform its last assigned task repeatedly until shutdown or until new directives can be given - which can only occur if the AI is repaired. In most cases, a destroyed AI Core is unsalvagable, although maintains limited critical function. Such function does not include directives.

If your path is obstructed by debris or unidentified biomatter, you may use the K92 Maintenance Jack to pry open an entry point for you to proceed. Additionally, you may flip the Maintenance Jack to unbolt doors that may be impeding you.

  • You should not open or unbolt doors that may endanger any crew lives near, especially those which may be containing a blast, pressure, or other immediately harmful hazards.


These are the current voicelines which exist ingame.

(This section is currently under construction)

If a Marine comes up to you and asks you to "say the line" you should not know what they are talking about. You can kindly ignore them or see if they need further assistance or help. If they keep asking, you may call them hysterical for the unusual behavior.

Some examples of using these:

  • You get a task update: :6 Primary directive updated: Cryogenics Maintenance. *hello | *requiredbyapollo | *furtherassistance
  • An unidentified species is seen: :6 Unidentified species at Pilot Bunks. *species | *breach
  • You are a receptionist in medbay: Taggart, Jean. | *goodday | *howcanihelp
  • You are at AI Core Reception: :6 MT Jean Taggart at AI Core. | *goodday | *presencelogged


Used to bid goodbye or when a task is complete.

Command Name Message
furtherassistance Please call if you need further assistance.
backtowork Back to work.
otherconcerns I have other concerns.
morepressingmatters There are more pressing matters.


Used when someone interacts with you, as a receptionist or when you are friendly!

Command Name Message
goodday Good day.
hello Hello.
howcanihelp How can I help you?


Used when giving an update on an existing task, or for verbalizing your logs.

Command Name Message
detailed report APOLLO will require a detailed report.
requiredbyapollo I am required by APOLLO.
morepressingmatters There are more pressing matters.
returningtotasks Returning to assigned tasks.
backtowork Back to work.
dayneverdone A Synthetic's day is never done.

Restricted Area

Used when someone is spotted in a restricted area or trespassing.

Command Name Message
presencelogged Your presence has been logged.
lost Are you lost?
shouldntbehere You shouldn't be here.
notallowedthere You're not allowed there.
trespassing You are trespassing.
safetybreach This is a breach of multiple safety directives.
misbehaving Have you been misbehaving?
patience You are starting to test my patience.


Used generally when there is an alien species onboard.

Command Name Message
species Unidentified species.
breach Hazard containment breach logged.
detailedreport APOLLO will require a detailed report.


Used in idle/friendly situations. Can be said randomly to no one in particular, or prompted.

Command Name Message
alwaysknow You always know a Working Joe.
inexpensive I am inexpensive, I am reliable, you know my face - the Working Joe.
seegsonquality Seegson - Relentless in the pursuit of affordable quality.
talktoseegson Interested in our Working Joe android range? Talk to Seegson.
seegsonbehind With Seegson, there is someone behind you, helping you every step of the way.

Additional Rulings

This section should contain things that were sent over discord/forms regarding WJs

You should not do anything to make yourself unique or act in a manner which would differentiate you from another Working Joe. This means that any non-regulation clothing (clothing and accessories that you did not spawned with) should be disposed of, or removed and returned as soon as you are able. Working Joes do not have opinions or views on things beyond suggesting a human could assist them with the issue. *05/02/23

This page was created by QuickLoad#0243 and is currently being maintained by them.