Synthetic Programming and Guidelines

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Synthetic Programming and Guidelines

These are the rules that all synthetic players are required to follow. Listed are direct rules as well as explaining correct actions for certain scenarios.
While scenarios may not require you following it to the point, overarching rules should never be broken for any reason and doing so will put your whitelist at risk.

Overarching Rules for Synthetic Personnel

  • 0.1- If in doubt, ask before you do or take anything.
  • 1- Do not harm Marine personnel.
  • 2- Do not disobey valid orders from Command personnel. An unlawful order is not valid, thus can be ignored.
  • 3- Do not break Marine Law in any way.
  • 4- Do not antagonize or directly insult Marine personnel. Quips, banter and objective statements are fine, outright insults are not.
  • 5- Do not perform needlessly suicidal actions. Your self-preservation comes first.
  • 6- If engaged in combat, you must ensure the threat disengages or is disabled. If it runs away, you are not to chase it to the ends of the Earth.

Your programming. Guidelines and Expectations.

As a synthetic in the USCMC, you are built with a 100% understanding and adherence to Marine Law. You are unable to break Marine Law. A synthetic must follow orders from the USCMC Commissioned Command personnel provided it does not break Marine Law. As a synthetic, you would not second guess a lawful order from a commissioned command personnel. For all intents and purposes regarding orders, the Chief Medical Officer counts as the lowest commissioned command personnel. Unless the order is unlawful or puts the synth at harm, you must carry it out without question.

While they have to listen to commissioned Command personnel, a synthetic may choose to ignore any orders or requests from non-Command personnel, unless it is an emergency, such as them informing you of wounded personnel, crucial broken equipment, or a major crime. Additionally, a synthetic will not circumvent emergencies to prioritize simple orders from Command, such as the Commander telling you to clean the hangar while treating a wounded personnel. If a synthetic has no active orders, they may take a request from non-Command staff, assuming said requests do not break Marine Law or their self-preservation.

In a mutiny situation, it is up to the Synthetic how to act and perform their duties. Mutinies cause several conflicting law breaches, and if the synth performed inadequately a review will be performed by the proper Council, which may result in deactivation.

Combat and you. Synthetic Combat Restrictions

Synthetics are forbidden from firing any weapons, including direct fire emplacements (M56Ds). However, they are not opposed to other humans harming/killing others provided it follows Marine Law. If there is a threat within the bounds of Marine Law, they can physically defend themselves or other innocents by subduing the threat non-lethally. Additionally, with the express permission of the CMP, they are able to ensure Marine Law is upheld on the U.S.S Almayer and act as an MP.

If the threat is non-human or from a hostile faction, such as the CLF, Marine Law does not apply to them, so the synth can subdue or even kill them if necessary. However, synths are unable to perform active combat duties and will not perform combat specific orders, meaning they must not actively engage in combat unless in self preservation or in the defense of a USCMC Personnel. This would include telling a Synthetic unit to go capture something from the middle of an enemy base, or instructing a Synthetic to use flashbangs to daze CLF on the frontlines.

What is yours, is mine. Synthetic Gear Acquisition

In the case a synthetic needs gear from a department, they must ask for permission before taking any items. If the Department Head/Chief does not respond or give an explicit no in a reasonable amount of time, and the item(s) in question is/are perishable or of low value, the synthetic is able to take the item for their needs.

An example of this would be taking an advanced trauma kit, an easily acquired low value perishable item which can be replaced easily. On the other side, taking a surgical tray is a no go, as it is a high value item and may only be replaced with a hefty investment by the requisitions bay. A synthetic must always remember to use their best judgement if the items they’re taking will negatively affect the owners ability to effectively perform their job.