Сложность: Very Hard Начальство: Corporate High Command Ранг: Not defined Обязанности: Kill everybody onboard the Almayer. Extract the Liaison if needed. Руководства: This one Описание: Not defined |__________| |
"Ревизор не рекомендует"
-Вадим Александрович Абрамов, Ревизор
Corporate Commandos are an elite black-ops fireteam owned and operated by corporate High Command. They are equipped with state-of-the-art weaponry and armor, tasked with only the most dangerous of missions.
The Commandos are an extremely lethal and secret black-ops fireteam formed by the higher-ups at corporate High Command to specifically deal with any kind of business involving Xenomorphs; be it capturing the afformentioned aliens or preventing the spread of infection that often lays in the Xenomorph's wake. The corporate commandos operate like the Deathsquad that might be seen on other servers; heavily-armed troops tasked with high-risk operations. The Commandos are highly trained and are both utterly and completely loyal to the corporation, carrying out any and all orders that High Command will transmit to them. Despite the relation with their names, the Commandos are not affiliated with the Corporate PMCs. Unlike most other responders that can be spawned via an answered distress beacon from USS Almayer's command, the Commandos can only be spawned via the intervention of an administrator on the server.
When deployed, the Commandos' objectives might vary, although the most common objective handed out by Corporate High Command is to contain an outbreak of Xenomorphic activity by mercilessly killing everyone on the USS Almayer; xenos or humans. Depending on the actions of the Corporate Liaison on board the ship before the Commandos are deployed, the Corporate Commandos might receive an additional objective to either extract the Liaison back to safety or kill them alongside the Marines and Xenomorphs on board the ship. Depending on how the round develops, additional objectives might be given to the Commandos in the form of retrieving important items, capturing and containing live Xenomorphs for further research, extracting an important VIP, etcetra.
As one of the squad members of the Commandos, expect a steamroll-kind of gameplay. Simply put, guns blazing. Remember that a squad of Commandos is better than one commando getting pinned down during a firefight. You have very strong armor to withstand a lot of damage so make use of it. Not only that, you also have special rifles and revolvers to mercilessly bring any human down in just one burst. For the case of Xenos however, do exercise caution, as they'll pin you down and pick you off one by one. Remember that you have a strong gun and armor to take out the lesser aliens alone, as for the stronger ones, you'll need your squad to take those down.
Due to the extremely dangerous nature of the Corporate Commandos' operations, the armorers at the company supply them with some of the most powerful gear that money can afford, shown below:
Corporate Commando Equipment
Gear: | Description: | ||||||||||
File:Commando.png X-13 "Apesuit" Armor |
The experimental and heavy suit that all units of the Corporate Commandos wear while operating. The X-13 "Apesuit" armor is made up of two parts, the armored suit itself and the helmet. The suit itself is crafted out of various heavy plates interweaved with thick kevlar fibers chemically treated to be acid-proof that makes the Apesuit virtually invincible when going up against both the claws and acidic spit of a Xenomorph and the rifle of a Colonial Marine. The helmet shares a similar composition to the armored suit, specifically crafted as to prevent any facehuggers from latching onto the Commando's face and infecting them. | ||||||||||
File:M41a2.png M41A/2 Battle Rifle |
The primary weapon of the Corporate Commandos, this heavy battle rifle is a significantly more powerful variant of the M41A Pulse Rifle. Only used by elite forces and black-op teams. This rifle deals more damage per rifle bullet.
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File:Mateba.png Mateba Autorevolver |
The backup sidearm of the Corporate Commandos, the Mateba, like the M41A/2 Battle Rifle, is an extremely powerful semi-automatic firearm chambered in .454 heavy revolver rounds that uses the sheer amount recoil generated from each shot to cycle its hammer and cylinder to both allow semi-automatic fire and three-round bursts. Effective against armored and unarmored targets, a single shot from the Mateba is more than enough to send a combatant crashing to the floor.
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M40 HIDP Incendiary Grenade |
A compact and robust incendiary grenade that each Corporate Commando is issued. The grenade will explode into a lingering square of flesh-melting flames in a five-by-five meter radius. While not as adept at directly harming Colonial Marines and Xenomorphs as a HEDP grenade, the M40 HIDP excels in AoD (Area of Denial) operations and killing multiple stationary targets. |
Standing Orders
As a Corporate Commando, you answer only to The Company and them alone. The primary objective of the Commandos is to exterminate all personnel and aliens on board the USS Almayer with extreme prejudice. Marines, command, xenos, survivors, other responders; all of them are not exempt from the wrath of a Commando's battle rifle. The secondary objective of the Commandos is to either extract or kill the Corporate Liaison stationed on the USS Almayer, depending on the actions of the Liaison throughout the round and if he remained a loyalist to the company or not. Depending on what has occurred in the round, a tertiary objective might be given; what this objective is depends on what the administrator requires of you.
Commando Roles
Role | Description |
File:Commando.png Corporate Commando |
Unlike other responder teams, the leadership of a Corporate Commando fireteam is very loose; everyone in the fireteam being the same rank and answering to only Corporate High Command. Armed with the X-13 "Apesuit" Armor, a M41A/2 Battle Rifle, Mateba Autorevolver and additional supplies, a Corporate Commando is expected to work alongside his brothers in the fireteam to get the objectives assigned by High Command done. |