Evolves From: Drone Evolves To: N/A Role: Carry huggers around, allowing the Hive to impregnate new hosts on the move. Use pheromones to assist fellow Aliens. Guides: Guide to Pheromones |
General Information
The Carrier is an evolved form of the Drone. Its unique ability is to store 16 facehuggers and 7 eggs safely and carry them around, which allows the Carrier to become the Hive's main infection vector, able to carry facehuggers and eggs to the tallhosts instead of having to bring them to egg nests, and thus deploy them directly on the battlefield.
The Carrier is one of the fastest big Aliens in the game, besides a Hivelord under the effects of Resin Walker or a charging Crusher, allowing it to flank rather comfortably or perform hit and run tactics. While it loses the Drone's ability to build most resin structures, it is still capable of planting resin weeds. It also has access to Pheromones, a critical tool in its arsenal, especially if flanking.
The facehuggers you throw will behave like normal facehuggers, but after being flung a distance they will be stunned for a short bit, and they will not be able to land on humans on a throw. As such, it's recommended to aim ever so slightly off-target. The facehugger will have room to adjust with a pounce once its lights are back on. Remember that clicking a hugger in your active hand stores it.
Playing as a Carrier
As a Carrier, you will find yourself in a strong Support-oriented position, with your facehugger throw allowing you to add an extra threat to tallhosts facing you. While other castes focus on dealing damage or stunning, a carriers focus is on the windows of opportunity to infect tallhosts with the facehuggers you throw. Once a tallhost is hugged, they will be impregnated and will only be able to remove the embryo with advanced surgical procedures. If they don't make it back in time, you can fully expect that they will eventually hatch a Larva.
Your ability to plant weeds should never be underestimated. While you're not a sturdy Alien by far, you can still take more hits than a Drone, and tallhosts will certainly hesitate to engage you alone and head-on. In a pinch, you can simply fire facehuggers away to force them to deal with those while you make like the wind.
Carriers can place hugger traps, which are small resin holes hidden away on weeded surfaces. These holes can then store a facehugger, just like an egg, and lets the facehugger ambush passing humans. Hugger-filled resin holes additionally make the victim trip and fall, as well as notifying you when a trap is triggered and giving you the trap's location. These small traps allow you to easily get infections on any human foolish enough to rush straight into the Hive, and if you feel inclined, can even be put in forward or unorthodox positions to get pounces where the Marines expect to easily clear patches of weeds. In all cases, you can supply the weeds you need to plant those, making them a rather powerful, self-contained ability.
Abilities: | Description: |
File:Xeno Rest.png Rest |
Used to rest and get up. Aliens heal faster when resting on weeds. |
Regurgitate |
Что бы проглатить жертву, схватите ее с помощью комбинации клавиш Ctrl + Click или интентом Схватить (3 в hotkey mode), после чего нажмите на себя и не двигайтесь. Не дайте носителю сбежать, используя пустую руку (X в hotkey mode) и таклите с использованием интента Обезвредить (2 в hotkey mode) во время проглатывания. |
File:Watch Xeno.png Watch Alien |
Allows you to watch over aliens as if they were cameras. You can also use Hive Status in the Alien tab (which can be bound as a Macro for ease of use.) or Ctrl + middle mouse click on an alien (if you are already watching another alien) to choose who to watch. |
File:Hive-Construction-Order.png Order Construction |
Orders the construction of a hive structure to be built.
Emit Pheromones |
Emit one of the three Pheromones. It's advised that you emit a pheromone that isn't already being emitted, as pheromones don't stack. |
Plant Resin Node |
Can't be planted if there is already a sac on the tile.
File:Place Resin Hole.png Place Resin Hole |
Places a resin hole on weeds.
File:Throw Hugger.png Throw Facehugger |
Puts a hugger in your hand if it is empty. If you do have a hugger in hand it throws that hugger. You can directly store a hugger by using this ability on a hugger on the ground next to you. Throw a facehugger by using the middle mouse button. |
File:Retrieve Egg.png Retrieve Egg |
Allows you to retrieve eggs with your middle mouse button.
Tail Stab |
Activating tail stab will begin a windup of one second, and upon conclusion, will enable you to launch a two tile attack that deals 1.2 times your maximum melee damage. It requires a direct click on the targets sprite, however, if it is missed, it only incurs a standard slash delay. Additionally, it will always hit the targeted limb.
Attainable Strains
Strains: |
Eggsac Strain
- Health: 650
- Plasma: 500
- Lose your ability to store huggers and place resin holes, Instead generate an egg every 30 seconds and gain stronger pheromones equivalent to a praetorian in strength.
Abilities: | Description: |
File:Hive-Construction-Order.png Order Construction |
Orders the construction of a hive structure to be built.
Strong Pheromones |
Emits strong level pheromones equivalent to the praetorian in strength. |
Plant Resin Node |
Can't be planted if there is already a node on the tile. Can be removed by one slash with harm intent for re-plant.
File:Retrieve Egg.png Retrieve Egg |
Allows you to retrieve eggs with your middle mouse button.
File:Generate Egg.png Generate Egg |
Can generate an egg every 30 seconds at the cost of depleting most of it's plasma reserve.
Carrier Tactics
- The Carrier thrives as an ambush caste, with a powerful ability to hold a chokepoint by chugging facehuggers into it. While Marines can simply shoot the facehuggers as they come in, they will probably reconsider simply rushing in.
- Facehuggers have a very short life expectancy once thrown, usually under thirty seconds. As a result, it is extremely hard to use them as traps unless placed in resin holes, and they will usually be used directly against tallhosts to be viable.
- Facehuggers are capable of ripping off headgear on their own, and once viced to a Marine's face, nothing will pry them off. A facehugged Marine is as good as infected.
- The Carrier will usually heavily benefit from support, especially from castes that can easily stun a tallhost and drag them into the facehuggers you throw. Sentinels and Runners are two obvious candidates, but Spitters and Lurkers can do in a pinch.
- You will need a large amount of eggs to do your work, especially since you are bound to throw many more facehuggers than you get infections. Make sure the Drones are up to date with the latest engagements so eggs are always close to the front.
- Your facehuggers are useless against tallhosts that are already infected. As such, you should be careful when dealing with those hosts.
- Resin holes can easily be used as the Alien equivalent of a proximity mine. Any Marine foolish enough to walk near one unprepared will usually be pounced and infected on the spot. And since a dark hole is hard to see on equally darker weeds, this can make for a surprisingly efficient method of ambushing Marines even in clear corners, to say nothing of dimly lit areas further concealing them.
- As noted before, facehuggers will be stunned for 10 seconds after landing, even if it hits a Marine directly. Only when this initial stun is over will the facehugger be ready to pounce. While throwing facehuggers at Marines is a simple and obvious way to get infections, it is less efficient than throwing your facehuggers in cover and tricking tallhosts into running in their range once the stun is done.
- You can also hide resin holes or even eggs under debris such as metal. Due to the massive amount of stuff on the ground, a marine is extremely unlikely to notice it unless they are specifically looking for your devious trap.
Carrier Stats
You can learn more about alien stats here.